Love Affair

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"Do you find me boring?"

She looked at him seriously for a moment before shaking her head tentatively, then significantly.... She tied the tie around his neck and looked him in the eye.

"No, I don't."

Before he left and got into the black Audi, he kissed her affectionately and repeated the question. She thought of that moment in her bedroom before making sure he didn't come back and dialing the cab company's number. She thought of it again as she entered the lobby of the hotel. She was wearing the dress he had given her, in which, contrary to her other attitudes about herself, she actually found herself desirable. She saw the room full of people, some standing at the buffet, others dancing. She was here to forget, to forget that she was living the typical suburban life, to forget that she was a wife. Smoothly weaving her way through the hustle and bustle, she headed purposefully for the bar and took a seat on one of the vacant bar stools.

"A martini," she said louder than she intended, earning an appreciative glance from one of the men seated not far from her. She looked at him, smiling lasciviously before turning to her drink.

"Hi, is this seat free?"

She turned, looking at him, his brown eyes scrutinizing her with interest, observing her curvy silhouette that was so wonderfully displayed in her tight dress.

"Yeah, it's free."

He slid onto the stool beside her and ordered a whiskey. In the background, the room was darkened, a disco ball casting glittering light into the mirrors behind the bar. In the dim light, she looked at him from the side. She liked the brown hair that curled half tousled on his head, the dark eyes, the unusual face, the broad nose, the muscular arms. He was what was probably commonly called definitely "her type."

"Not bad!" Irritated, he looked at her. "Pardon?" She blushed; it had not been her intention to say the thought aloud. She looked at him with a mysterious smile on her lips, thinking of why she had come here.

"I find you very attractive," she looked at him frankly. She liked the way his beautiful mouth twisted into a warm smile.

"You do?" He sipped his drink. "What makes me think such a charming woman would pay me such a compliment?"

Instead of answering him, she asked a counter question.

"Dancing?" she waited with an outstretched hand for an answer.

He finished his whiskey in one gulp and followed her. The bass-heavy sounds of RnB music had the couple, tightly entwined around them, running circles. He held her so close she smelled him. She liked the scent, masculine, tangy. Though he was definitely a few years older than her, he knew how to move. She liked the way his hand was heavy on her back, feeling warm and strong. Yes, that was why she was here. She pressed close to him, getting close to his ear.

"You smell fantastic."

His hand slid down her back, touching her bottom as if by accident.

"And you feel fantastic." His voice electrified her.

She couldn't deny that it turned her on, that he was pressing his manhood slowly swelling against her thigh. Her fingers slid into the tight hair, down his neck. He came close, so close that she felt the quivering between her thighs almost overpowering.

"Where?" he whispered before their lips came close, then, without actual touch, moved apart again.

"Do you have a room here?"

He nodded, smiling adventurously.

"Come!" he gently pulled her past the dancing.

They reached the elevator, the door closing behind them. She leaned against him, kissing him so impetuously that they bounced against the wall together. His hands held her, touching her so indecently between the legs that she sucked in her breath sharply. This was what she'd wanted since she'd left the row house with its manicured garden for a few hours,. This tangled, wild feeling. Their tongues played with each other in circles, she tasted the whiskey. They didn't let go of each other as they staggered out of the elevator. She liked the way he looked at her, the brown of his eyes seeming to see into her, almost as if he'd been fucking her greedily for a long time. She slid a hand down his pants, reaching for his throbbing member, which bulged the fabric of his pants. He closed the door behind them. Without hesitation, she pulled the dress off her body, watching him hastily expose himself. He unbuttoned the shirt, stepped out of the pants and tight shorts. He was well hung, looking at her challengingly as he saw her greedy gaze fixed on his cock bobbing with pleasure. She licked her lips, approaching him like a predatory cat. He moaned loudly and reached into her hair. Her lips sucked hotly on the bulging glans, wildly letting her tongue dance around the shaft.

"It's heaven to fuck your beautiful mouth."

Saliva dripped warmly from his cock, over her lips to her chin, she was completely in her element. On and on she sucked him, feasting on his sighs, looking at him over and over as she did so. She loved this kind of pleasure.

"Slow down beautiful!" He tried to withdraw from her mouth.

Disappointed, she looked up at him from below, but still allowed him to push her onto the bed, pushing her thighs apart until her hot, wet pussy was close to his face.

"God yes!" was all she could say as he slid his warm tongue deep inside her.

Her entire body reared up, stretching out to meet him. His face disappeared between her wide-open labia. The smacking of his lips made her groan. She lifted her legs, her fingers buried in his hair, sinking into the whirlpool, of pleasure. His tongue traced circles around her clit, fluttering tenderly over her lips, tasting her sweet nectar. She moaned loudly as his tongue gently slid along her cleft, once again finding its way into her wet opening. The sensation caused by his lips left her wanting. His mouth gently pressed on her mons , licking it, fluttering and playing with her pearl. She felt every fiber quivering as she stretched toward climax. Her fingers gripped tighter into his hair. He didn't let go of her, growling greedily into her lap, looking up before his mouth devoted itself again to her swollen clit. This time so tenderly that she held her breath for a moment. He knew exactly what to do to turn the storm inside her into an unruly elemental force. Hot surges spilled together over every lucid thought, the feeling in her belly tightening in her mons , where, without giving her pause, it smoldered, then exploded hotly. She trapped him between her thighs, not releasing him. Still he sucked her , moaning suppressed. She struggled for breath, trying not to lose her mind.

"Kiss me!" her breathless voice, just a whisper.

She released him, her nails scraping across his smooth chest as he pushed up on top of her and their lips found each other. The moment he entered her made her body tremble. Her lips still engaged in a tender play with his tongue, she moaned loudly into his mouth. He filled her completely, taking her in like a fortress, and thrust again. She looked at him, waiting for the moment when he could no longer manage to hold on.

"Fuck me." Her voice failed, drowned in a moan, her entire body seeming in turmoil.

His hard member slid hotly out of her, only to thrust hard into her again moments later. Their eyes met, holding each other. He moaned as she tightened her pussy, for a blink he seemed to lose his grip. She clutched him with her legs, rubbing against him with a moan. She wanted more, wanted it all. He leaned back, found himself half lying under her. He understood her, without words, one look from her fiery eyes and he knew everything. His bulging cock made it almost impossible for her to sit all the way on top of him. They both moaned loudly as she gyrated her hips. Warm fingers played with her nipples, getting lost between her thighs. Her body slid up and down, riding him at her pace, faster and harder the longer the lovemaking lasted. His moans drove her on, swelling into a sexy melody in her head. She cried out when he nudged her deepest point from below, bracing against her movement. He gave her what she needed. Pleasure, arousal, while keeping power over her climax. She lost all inhibition, leaning back without slowing the pace. Firmly she pressed her thighs against his body, enjoying how he squirmed and reared up under her. Faster and faster she slid up and down on him, riding herself inevitably toward climax. She didn't care how loud they were, she perceived it as if through absorbent cotton, losing touch with everything around her, only he and his eyes remained. He held her tight, fixed her firmly on his lap, thrusting into her from below until she lost her breath. She came so hard that her body lost all tension and she landed on his chest. The last thing she felt, besides the involuntary jerking of her entire body, was the load of hot cum being pumped into her in solid spurts. She was half out of it, still quivering with pleasure, feeling the loud pounding of his heart, listening to his breathing, which was intermittent and heavy. His scent crawling in every one of her pores, slowly she slid off him, stayed snuggled close. He played with a strand of her hair. They looked at each other, kissing passionately.

"We should do this again!" his voice sounded rough, thirsty. They raised their respective left hands, interlocked them together, and looked at the rings, hers the same as his, except for the small zircon.

"How could I ever find my beautiful husband boring?" she said into Pedros ear.

"I love you," he replied....

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