Chapter 2

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Two weeks later. I'm out the hospital but hardly can walk on my own. Everyday my dad's friend from the hospital comes and helps me around the house. My dad didn't want me to be alone, so he got me a bodyguard. Or that's what I'm calling him because I refuse to call him my babysitter. He's lucky my bodyguard's cute or I would put up a fight.
"No you don't sweetheart. It's not safe out there. I don't want Liam to hurt you again." I roll my eyes at him. " Dad I'll be fine you got me a whole bodyguard that hasn't left my side." I say because I really want to go to the bookstore, ever since I got married freedom wasn't always there. I didn't even get out the house much. "Why ain't you sitting or laying down. por favor mi hija" my mother interferes. Yeah I'm half Spanish. My mom's from Puerto Rico and my dads white. I don't know much about my dad because he wasn't always home. He used to work so much he only was free on some weekends and that was the only time I had with him.
My mother and I had each other and was very close. Until she allowed him for me to be given away in an arrange married to the devil himself. " I'm fine mamá, por favor no te preocupes" I respond to my mother who's always worrying. She kisses my forehead and finishes setting up the table with food.
"Hola, Buenos Dias. Did I say it right? Sorry I'm still practicing." My mother smiles and pushes him to the table. "siéntate, ¿tienes hambre?" He looks at my dad and me for help but my dad only laughs at him. " she asked if you were hungry. You should sit because she doesn't care if you're not. she's probably gonna give you food anyways." He smiles at me before taking a seat next to me. " thank you" he says to me before my mother hit my shoulder and says "no talking, Comamos!"

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