Chapter 5

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Once we came back from the store that was in the hotel, I rushed towards the couch. He had order tacos for the both of us and paid for it himself. "you didn't have to pay for it? I could have help you" I say softly while he comes close and sits next to me. "Yeah I did or I wouldn't be a real man." He said right before handling me my tacos.
He took a bite before I did and the oil from the tacos was dripping down his mouth. I stared at him for more than i should. "Comamos" he said breathlessly. He had learnt that word from my mother, which makes me think, does he remember what my mother said before she died? " I'm not hungry" i lied. " your mother would want you to eat. Please if not for me or yourself do it for your mother." He was right.
He had insist I sleep in the room and as soon as I thought he was sleep. I sneaked out the hotel bedroom and tiptoed towards the door. Before I could put my hand on the door knob, I was grabbed lightly. "Where you going?" I froze. I didn't know what to say or do. He continued talking and let go of my arm because he could tell I was uncomfortable. " if you want to leave I'll leave with you. You can't go by yourself." I turn my head around and look at him. " why? Because of Liam? I am two fucking states away from that monster and even if he found me I don't care!"
I snap but he stays calm and doesn't even flinch. "He will kill you if he finds you. I don't think you understand he doesn't love you." He says but I laugh at him." Of course I know he doesn't love me. He's never loved me. NEVER! I've always loved him and waited for him to love me back and when I thought he was close to it it was all a lie. So thanks for the reminder but I don't care about him." He frowns while staring at me.
"you deserve better. I can give you that." I roll my eyes. " you're my bodyguard because my dad made you it, not by choice. But you're free now. My fathers dead! My mothers dead! I'm dead!" I start crying while yelling. " you're not dead. You're so strong and I know you can do this." I shake my head with tears falling down my face. " you wanna know my name? My names Lance." He says while coming closer to hug me. For what felt like hours but really just 30 minutes, I had cried in Lance's arms.  Instead of pushing me away or ignoring me, he just held me until I fell asleep. In his arms, I felt safe. I was safe.

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