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This is my second Charlie fanfiction and I just know this one will be so much better than that one.

This chapter is setting the tone of where Nicole and Charlie are emotionally in their relationship. 

This fanfic has themes of infidelity/emotional cheating/divorce/Gaslighting/jealousy/ mental health

I will give trigger warnings accordingly to the chapters.

"Shit, shit.. goddammit." Charlie groaned upon opening his email on his phone and realized he had several unopened work-related messages that he was supposed to have answered hours ago.

His eyes were heavy and there was a crook in his neck from TRYING to sleep on the couch YET again.

A large man like himself needed at least a blow-up mattress.

God,  how he missed the comfort of his king-size bed.  The absence of a warm embrace, the longing for a silly topic shared to fall asleep to.

But it was much easier to sneak away and be separate without the possibility of waking Henry up from a loud machine inflating in the living room every night.

Henry was still under the impression mommy and daddy shared a bed, happily.

1:42 am

*sends email*

He replies to his team as quickly as possible. 

There's a creaking sound from the hallway, the only door in the apartment that makes that noise is Henry's. No amount of oil seems to do the trick!

Charlie reaches for the remote on the glass table in a hurry, flips on the television quickly and the screen illuminated the living room.

"Dad? What are you doing up?" His son asked drowsy,  rubbing his eyes.

The all-too-bright light even made Charlie squint his eyes suddenly.

As he hadn't had a lot of time for his eyes to adjust.

"I --couldn't sleep.  I wanted to watch some tv." He lies about why he's in the living room with a pillow and blanket.

Henry recognizes the TV show just by the all-too-familiar yellow sponge on mute.

"Oh. I had an accident. " Henry says ashamed and holding his hand in front of his wet undies.

Wetting the bed at 8 is strange,  isn't it???

"Oh, sweetie I thought you were past that phase?  Lemme help you clean up. " Charlie remarked.

His ass barely lifted from the couch before his son spoke.

"I want mom to help me." He chimed innocently.
Henry walked towards his parent's bedroom in wet undies sticking to his backside.

Mom: score- 57

Dad: score 2...

But who's counting?

"But.. I'm up.." Charlie mutters in confusion why Henry would rather wake Nicole and get help.

Yes,she kind and nurturing...

But she's most likely going to ask him to take off his pissy undies and let him crawl into bed with her butt naked.

She won't even have the sense to pull off his wet sheets and blankets until much later. 

It would have to be me because I can't stand leaving a mess.

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