Show Business

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A/N:There's a friendship thats slowly turning flirty in this chapter.  It's not popping off immediately with being smashed on the floor of someone's living room lol. It's definitely not a slow burn story but bare with me as we give them chemistry.

"I think the audition went well, but I'm still waiting to hear back from someone. Preferably the director himself.
Between you and I, I thought he was devilishly handsome.
He reminded me of a bear. But non-threatening you know? Sorta like a teddy.. "

Order up Cassidy!!" The male cook shouts across the diner interrupting her small talk about  how her audition went to a table of long time returning customers.

Cassidy finishes pouring 4 mugs of coffee before excusing herself.

"Move your ass Cassidy. People are hungry!" He shouts when her actions aren't fast enough for him.

Heaven forbid the cook actually ask someone else to help.
She was running on fumes after half the shift had quit because of the shitty management.

She bites her tongue and answered simply with slight annoyance.

"Cooooming."  She grits her teeth,  forcing a smile like The Joker.

She walks pass a older gentleman who is the sweetest customer she's had.

"Psst. When you get that part dear and become famous, don't ever look back at this place. You live the life you deserve. Fur coats , diamonds,  the whole 9 yards. " Her customer gave her advice.

"IF, Drew. If." She says trying to be optimistic. " I wouldn't mind staying here as long as you kept coming. " She says seductively, 
knowing how to get good tips.

Sex sells.

After she served a few more tables ,she snook a glimpse at her phone.

It's about the hundredth time she's checked her email to see if Exit Ghost has contacted her back and finally there's email from the company.

Dear Cassidy Madden,

Congratulation, you have earned lead in Exit Ghost's 11th original play.
We feel that you are a good match, and we are pleased to extend this offer to you!

Files regarding time and salary will be sent promptly this evening.

-Charlie Barber .

He  WAS genuinely impressed by her read, unlike the woman next to him!

Yes! I did it, I got the part! I can't wait to call my family to tell them the good news.

The bell above the diner door rings. Another customer, another dollar.

She hides her phone into her apron pocket and turns to greet and seat the next hungry customer.

"Welcome to Dave's Diner , where the food puts you in a good m--!

Her eurythmic voice haults and lingers on the last word when  her eyes look up and  it's Charlie!

"-ood." She sputters.

  'Holy fucking shit.  The teddy bear is at my job.  He literally just sent that email to me and now he's here!
What the actual fucking fuck.'

"What are you doing here?!"
The question pours out like vomit.

She's more than happy to see him , but a little embrassed to run into him while she's working tables.

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