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Disclaimer: NSFW parts.

Somehow Charlie's luck hadn't run out. Nicole had slept through that entire night without waking up an noticing her husband had even left.
He was dodging so many  questions and obstacles from his sketchy behavior that he didn't even feel guilt anymore..

Boarding day/ Trip to California.

Charlie drove his family to the airport extremely early in a rental vehicle to ensure getting there on time, instead of taking a taxi.

It also worked out in his behalf,  because he would be using that car to get to the air b&b that same  day.

"Dad I'm scared to fly while it's raining. What happens if the pilot can't see without using windshield wipers? Will mom and I be okay?" Henry consulted Charlie in the observation room. His head was rested against his father's arms playing with a fidget spinner.

"Well honey, pilots use this device called a aircraft navigator and have control instruments,  it's used  for extra  speical help for flying through clouds, rain..all sorts of conditions. You and mommy will be so safe and sound." He reassures his kiddo.

"What happens if that stops working?"

Henry had been on several plane rides but today he was a little more anxious than usual and it broke Charlie's heart.

"Honey it won't.  I promise. " He soothes him by stoking his back.

"Your dad's right.  We're going to be safe and sound.  When we get to the Cali , you can pick out any toy from the toy store for being so brave ,okay?" Nicole adds very sweet from the opposite side of their child.

"Really?!" He exclaimed excitedly about a reward . His fist pound on lap, excited about a toy.
Charlie gave her a quick smile for her backing him up.
He customarily didn't like when she bribed him with things or gifted him items for doing the bare minimal.  But he was 100% behind her this time.

Whatever it took for him to get exicted about flying again was worth it.
"Yeah Henry. You can." Charlie commenced positively.

"Any toy? Even if it's a nerf gun!?" He looked back and forth between his parents wanting to know if it's true.

Charlie was against toys that that didn't stimulate his child's mind and challenge him in any way, but today he was making an exception.

He considered the type of Nerf for Henry. "...A small one. Not those large, crazy ones. An no water gun ones either. " Charlie says.

"Yes!! I love you guys." 
Henry hugs his daddy and then his mom.
All those preflight jitters were gone.

Nicole just gives Charlie the most genuinely impressed look he'd seen in a long.  He wasn't his regular stick in the mud self and she liked him like this. This new improved Charlie .

"Are you going to have fun while we're gone?" His son asked.

"Not really.  As Cassidy's now agent, I have Zoom calls with two producers this weekend that are interested in working with her."

"Why are you a agent now? Did you quit your real job to work for the FBI? "

"I'm not working as a fbi agent." Charlie held his stomach as his muscles contract from laughter.
"Im responsible for finding Cas work. Daddy's still a theater director,  I just work for her now too. "

Nicole reached her hand over Henry to hold her husband's hand.

She was a tad bit jealous at how her husband was batting for Cassidy's acting career so strongly. Perhaps Charlie saw her as more talented? Or easier to shape into what he wanted?
She remembered once upon a time how proud Charlie use to be of her. The memories of him bringing her up in conversation while she was right there always made her feel special.  Made her feel worthy of him or some bigger picture. She felt like a shadow or a extra appendage dangling onto her husband now.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2023 ⏰

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