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At the mansion, we pull up beside the Mystery Machine. The entire way here, Dean was still baffled at the fact that he didn't get here faster than Fred. Car men, I tell ya. We exit the car.

"Look, all I'm saying is that, aerodynamically speaking, there is no way my Baby should lose to...that," Dean says, pointing at the Mystery Machine, "unless Fred cheated, which he did."
"Dude, get over it," Sam sighs.

I roll my eyes at his childish behavior as we meet up with the Scobby gang. Dean then suddenly looks at the mansion, a look of shock on his face.

"A Night of Fright is No Delight," he added.
"What?" me and Sam say simultaneously.
"That's the episode we're in. I've seen it, like, a million times," he continues to say.

Sam and I look at each other as we go on inside. We then gathered with the Scooby gang and some of the Colonel's family members. A weird man was standing in the midst of us, holding a record player.

"Attention, everybody. As you all know, I am Cosgood Creeps, attorney of the late Colonel Sanders," the weird man begins.

Cosgood puts a briefcase on the desk next to the record player. Sam then leans over to Dean as if to say something. Dean tells him to shut up quickly before Cosgood continued.

"My client was a bit odd. His only directions were to play this record for you." Cosgood pulls a record out of the briefcase and puts it on the player

"Yeah! Classic vinyl," Dean says out loud.
"Greetings, y'all! Cousin Simple, Nephew Norble, Sweet Cousin Maldahyde, Cousin Slicker, and my old friend, Scooby-Doo. You're all gonna receive an equal share of $1 million, providing you spend tonight here in the old family mansion. Oh, one more thing -- the house is haunted," Colonel Sander's voice speaks.
"Haunted?" Sam asks.
"Haunted?" Scooby repeats after.
"Yes, haunted. And if any of you can't make it through the night, his or her share of my fortune will go to the others. Now good night and pleasant dreams, y'all."

Cosgood puts the record back in the briefcase and everyone except us leaves the room, no words being exchanged at all. Sam gives Dean a weird look.

"What kind of a weirdo sets all this up? I mean, spend the night in a haunted house for $1 million? That can't be legal," Sam begins to say.

"Only you would know that, Sammy," I thought to myself.
"Sam, come on. The house isn't haunted," I hear Velma say.

We all turn to face Velma. It's always the smart ones.

"I'm not --" Sam tries to justify.
"And things like this happen all the time," Velma continued.
"Oh, yeah, maybe in a car--"

Dean quickly slaps his hand over Sam's mouth, stopping him. I let out a snicker as Velma walks away. As soon as she was a little further away, Dean removes his hand and looks at Sam with an angry expression.

"Dude, what's wrong with you?" Sam says, obviously not understanding.
"They don't know that they're in a...a C-word. And we're not gonna tell 'em about anything. Not where we're from, not about monsters. Nothing. Capiche?," Dean tells him as he looks over at them, "they are pure and innocent and good, and we're gonna keep it that way."

I had to agree with Dean on that one. This isn't real life. This is a fantasy world where the supernatural is just horrible people behind masks. No ghosts or demons. Just people in costumes. If I were able to change one thing about my life, it would be the supernatural. Sam then tells Dean why we couldn't just skip to the end if he knows the episode by heart. We could but it's more fun to go through the whole episode. I hear Daphne's name being mentioned and then they begin to walk out and we join the rest of the people who are standing with Cosgoo.

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