☁️Hyeongjun x Wonjin|Cravity

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Wonjin was hanging out with Seongmin recently and Hyeongjun was jealous.

Wonjin and Hyeongjun were not dating but everyone knew they liked eachother.Everyone except for Hyeongjun.Yes,Wonjin already knew that Hyeongjun liked him.Wonjin was not oblivious by any means even with his own love life.He saw how Hyeongjun looked at him everytime he was close to a member.All the members also saw that and chose not to get too close to Wonjin in case Hyeongjun gets jealous and gets the wrong idea.But after almost 3 years of the group debuting,Wonjin and the other members of the group had enough of Hyeongjun being oblivious.Wonjin and Hyeongjun literally cuddle to sleep together,eat meals together no matter how busy they were,and they always comforted eachother during hard times.Yet when the members tell Hyeongjun to confess,Hyeongjun refuses and tells them Wonjin doesn't like him that way.

Basically all of them were absolutely fed up with Hyeongjun so they hatched a plan.They observed that Hyeongjun was especially jealous when Wonjin was close with Seongmin.Nobody knew why but they knew that it would be the quickest option to make Hyeongjun extra jealous and probably confess out of nowhere without him thinking about it.

So for the following weeks Wonjin and Seongmin were extra close with eachother.Be it promotions for their new album 'Masterpiece' or normal life without any cameras,Wonjin and Seongmin were stuck with eachother to the hip.

Hyeongjun was mad and maybe a bit sad at the sight of his crush and his dongsaeng together so close.Nobody knew why he especially didn't like Wonjin being close to Seongmin except for Hyeongjun himself.He doesn't really understand it either but he kind of felt inferior to Seongmin.Seongmin was cuter,younger,and a much better spouse than him.Those were Hyeongjun's thoughts about it.Hyeongjun was indeed mad but at the same time he thought that if they liked eachother he couldn't do anything about it since he wasn't as pretty or cute as Seongmin.

The members went through with the plan though.They didn't know Hyeongjun was thinking like that.If they knew about it they would immediately stop the plan and reassure Hyeongjun that he wasn't inferior at all and he was just as cute and pretty as Seongmin.

As Wonjin and Seongmin got closer and closer,Hyeongjun felt helpless and started to distance himself from Wonjin.He made excuses to avoid their meals together giving excuses like "I'm busy you can eat with Seongmin instead."

It didn't really make sense since most of them had the same schedules,but they didn't think much about it.Hyeongjun started crying at night in his room.Wonjin happend to hear it while passing by.He didn't know why his cutie crush was crying so he was kinda panicking.Wonjin opened Hyeongjun's door quietly and he saw Hyeongjun on his bed,covered with his blankets.He started to approach Hyeongjun.

W:"Why are you crying baby?"

Hyeongjun got startled,he didn't notice Wonjin but then he soon started to process what Wonjin called him baby.Wonjin had never called him baby before and Hyeongjun started to blush over the pet name.

Wonjin started to take the blankets from Hyeongjun and lied beside him.

W:"So will you tell me why you were crying?"
Wonjin said will caressing Hyeongjun's head and playing with his hair.

H:"it's stupid.."
W:"it's not stupid if you're crying over it,so baby tell me why you're crying?"

Hyeongjun hesitated but decided to tell him even if he'll end up getting rejected and embarrassed.

H:"you and Seongmin are very close these days..I guess I was jealous...I'm not as cute or pretty as Seongmin.So I don't know if you would ever like me the same way I do."

Even tho Hyeongjun was still crying,Wonjin started to laugh.Hyeongjun was confused and felt a bit humiliated and embarrassed.He thought Wonjin was laughing at him for liking him.

W:"You thought I actually liked Seongmin?"

Hyeongjun was confused but nodded.

W:"I don't like Seongmin,I like you dummy.You were just oblivious, baby"

Hyeongjun was embarrassed and got the blankets back from Wonjin and hid himself under them.Wonjin just laughed and cuddles Hyeongjun to sleep while Hyeongjun was freaking out.

I love this ship ♥️

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