🔞Jay x Matthew|Boys Planet

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Requested by @Shxtou-fake🥰

Jay was caught jerking off in the bathroom and Matthew decided to help

Jay has never been the type to jerk off randomly.He has never been sexually active either and ever since he joined the survival show, there had been even less time to do any sexual activities.

Matthew was a cute looking boy who lit up anyone's day with his pretty smile and welcoming aura.Jay had always been drawn to Matthew for a reason who cannot explain.He thought maybe because he was nice to Jay or maybe cause he a talented individual.But it was more than that,everytime Matthew smiles at him and his handed slightly brushes the other's his face turns a shade of pink.

It kinda became so bad that some people noticed.Jay had also had some times where Matthew accidentally touched his crotch and he got hard.He had to excuse himself to go to the bathroom.He just hoped Matthew didn't notice it.

Ever since that happend he noticed that it happend a lot more times.Matthew would accidentally touch his crotch without noticing and him going to the bathroom to take care of his hard-on.

It happend today Matthew was talking to his group members and then he said hi to Jay and accidentally touched his dick.and ofcourse he excused himself to the bathroom.

Jay entered the bathroom and made sure nobody was there.He checked all the stalls and then went into the one in the farthest corner.

He lowered his pants and started to stroke his dick slowly.He let out a low groan.He was so absorbed into getting himself off that he didn't notice someone come in.

A voice said out loud.Jay suddenly stopped all his movements.He knew who it was from the voice.It was Matthew.

"Are you in here?"Matthew said while knocking on the stall door.

"Y-yes do you need something?"Jay said
"Hmmm maybe I do" Matthew replied
"What do you need Matthew?"Jay asked nervously.

"I need you to let me in Jay-hyung"Matthew said with a cheerful voice
Jay's voice hitched,he didn't know what to do.

"I know you've been jerking off everytime I "accidentally" touch your crotch.I want to help you this time"Matthew said endearingly.
Jay didn't know how to respond to that.It was a tempting offer but he wasn't sure if he should agree but of course he agreed because who wouldn't? It's Matthew.

Jay opened the stall door slowly and Matthew went in instantly and smashed his lips against Jay. Jay could only kiss back and groan into the kiss while Matthew stroked his dick.

Jay broke the kiss to breath but Matthew immediately connected his lips back again.Jay was almost crying from the pleasure he was getting.He never engaged in this type of activity so it was new and he wouldn't mind doing it again with Matthew.

After a few minutes of kissing and Matthew stroking his dick,Matthew started stroking faster.Jay mumbled
"cl- close.. mmnh Matthew" against Matthew's lips and Matthew went even faster eager to see Jay's face when he cums.

Jay's cock spurts out cum and Jay sighed out of relief.Matthew licked his cum covered hand while looking directly into Jay's eyes.

"I'll do this anytime for you,just call me!"Matthew said with his signature smile and a cheerful voice.Then he left Jay in the stall stunned.

I'm so sorry that I couldn't write anything better TvT I don't have any idea what I was thinking while writing this.I hope you guys still enjoyed tho ♥️♥️

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