Chapter 8,9/Part 4

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  8. Punishment

I had learned one thing today: if the cousin hadn't lied, we had come from a farm called "Eden". I looked up at the sky, which was slowly closing in. It was getting chilly and I was freezing in the thin, sweaty shirt. However, I didn't mind because Leni knews my name and I knew hers. I had to concentrate and memorise every little detail of the way. The boys were talking quietly and some were looking over at me.

Peter had pressed himself close to me: "I have something else for you!" He slipped me a cloth.

I squeezed it in my hands, then smelled it.

"From Leni!", Peter said. I rolled it up and used it as a headband.

One, whom we called Sandro and who had a striking earring, came over. Although the truck was bumping along a more than uneven track, he walked casually across the loading area.

"Hey dude, what was that about?", he asked in an aggressive tone.

"What do you mean?", I replied innocent.

"Well, the thing with Jury when you were crying like that."

"Oh, that, I was only joking!" So Jury was the cousin's name.

"I wouldn't want to be in your shoes!"

"Well you don't or you'd look like me. "

The blond cousin with the gun became alert:

"Sit down! Shut up!" he barked.

Peter looked at me worriedly.

"Take it easy! Remember the way!", I reassured him.

I had often thought that we were probably not on an island at all, because too many cars arrived at our place for that. Otherwise they would have to take a boat across the water or something. The girls who went shopping with mother didn't say anything about a ship either. But they didn't talk about the way to town either, because they were stupid chickens, whose brains had been so clouded by their stories about getting married and the town that they couldn't see straight.

They drove us off the loading area like cattle. I could have thrown up. At the back near the big barn stood a group of the older girls.

I recognised Callisto from behind and although she didn't see me, she turned and our eyes met. I had the strangest fear that she knew about Leni.

"Come with me, friend!" The one Sandro had called Jury took me by the shoulder and gently led me in another direction.

"No!" cried Peter.

"What no, how no?" the cousin hissed.

"No, please don't punish him! It was just fun!", Peter tried.

"But, I'm just kidding too. Do you want to join in, little one?" He patted Peter's wispy hair and then gave him an edge that made him fall backwards and sit helplessly.

He led me behind one of the side buildings, which also housed the kitchen. It was near the place where we had found the dead boy. Somehow I could still see his eyes staring up at the sky.

"I have the feeling that you and I are not friends. Can that be? Tell your uncle!"

"You're not an uncle yet!"

"Let's cool your had down!"

We had arrived at a pool where the animals normally drank. It was made of stone and filled almost to the brim with water. Green algae had settled on the edges. He pushed me against it and although I tried to resist him, he took me by the neck and plunged my upper body into the water. I couldn't breathe, but tried to breathe in panic, flapping my arms. He left me in it for a long time. I heard a laugh.

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