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"Revenge is sweet, they say. In reality, it's just the anticipation of it. To think of your opponent making a stupid face when he sees you again. To think how he suffers when you put a bullet in his leg and how his features distort. No, revenge is a necessary evil, a promise made to the one you see in the mirror."

I had not found my mum, but I had found myself. I knew what my destiny was and I returned to Eden. Our external wounds would heal, but we dragged around memories, scars on our souls that lasted forever and it was good that way.

Now and then, when the time was right, I took pleasure in this pain, because I was used to drawing strength from hurt.

Now was the moment to end it.

The eternal wind banged against the rocks and it sang a song of pain.

Indeed this time it was not my own grief. The wind carried soot to the sky and the seagulls flew through black clouds. But I sat on a cliff and watched Eden burn and dissolve as if it had never existed.

Gabriel had died as he had lived - like a imposant tree. I had some respect for him, so I hadn't protracted so long.

"Your father was a great man. He knew what was right and what was wrong and was prepared to die for it. I suspected what was going to happen. I sensed you were like him."

"See you!"

Ramon was like a snake that hissed, wailed and begged,

"I never wanted that with your father," he pretendet, "Believe me, I had no choice, I had to do it, otherwise it would have been my own turn."

"Postponed is not abandoned!"

Mother was lying on her bed smoking, she was not surprised, although we had let some time pass before returning. She was laughing and had a cigar in her hand. She rose heavily and her body swayed like the waterbed itself. She was wearing a kimono with a red and yellow ying-yang pattern.

"I knew you would come back. It's written in your stars."

"Then you know what comes next?"

"Christo, my son, it doesn't have to end like this! You know I have money, unbelievable amount of money. You could get into busyness and become really big."

"I'm already grown up and I'm not your son!"

Something inside me was ticking, I lost my temper. I shot her in the fleshy hand, then in her chest. She was still alive, but that didn't matter. She should see the end coming. This idea was sometimes the sweetest part of my revenge.

I had saved the last match from my real mother's letter for something special. I had the petrol from the barn and many of the liberated children helped to wet everything with it. They cheered and hooted. At first the match wouldn't light, but then its flame was bright and strong, and when I dropped it into the dry hay, it started a wildfire.

"For you, Peter!"

I smoked, I had a lot of cigarettes now. Some of the children

had joined me and were watching the spectacle of

from my vantage point. We had a party. I heard Peter laughing.

He was deep inside me. Once I thought I saw Mother's burning figure at the window.

Surely it was just a beam that had burnt out and fallen down.

When I could no longer smell ashes, but only the salt of the nearby sea, it was time to leave.

"Will you marry me now?" asked Callisto.


Eden Motherlandtrilogy 1Where stories live. Discover now