she takes care of you when you're sick

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The feeling of Gracie's hand softly brushing against your cheek woke you from your sleep.

You opened your eyes to find that they were heavy and you couldn't really keep them open, making them slip shut again.

"Hey, my love. How are you feeling?" Gracie asked as she watched you close your eyes.

"Terrible." You spoke before raising your elbow to your lips to cough into it. "I feel awful, Gracie."

"I'm sorry you feel so bad, baby. I wish I could make it better." She said.

You've come down with a terrible cold and since it first hit you about two days ago, you've barely been able to leave the bed.

You have no energy and you feel worse than you have in quite a while.

The only thing you do right now is sleep.

It's the only escape you have from the terrible sickness that you've got.

Knowing how miserable you feel, Gracie tries to just let you sleep.

She takes great care of you by making sure you stay hydrated and she helps you to the bathroom whenever you have to go as you can't make it there on your own since you're too low on energy to do so.

But, otherwise, she just tries to let you rest because she knows you need as much of it as you can get.

"I'm sorry that I woke you, baby. But now that you're up, I made you some soup. Are you hungry?" She asked as she grabbed the bowl of warm soup.

"Not really."

"Darling, you need to eat. Come on, please try a little of it. For me?"

You managed to open your eyes and you could see the look of worry in her eyes.

You haven't eaten much over the last couple of days since you feel too gross to do so and she's getting worried over your lack of food.

So as much as you didn't feel like eating, you knew you needed to try.

So you sat up slowly and carefully before letting her bring the spoonful of broth and noodles up to your lips.

"There we go, baby. Just eat a few bites for me." She encouraged you and brought a few more spoonfuls of soup to your lips before you shook your head and pushed the spoon away.

"I can't eat anymore."

She looked at the bowl and saw that a good amount had been eaten, which relieved her concerns a bit.

"Okay." She said and set the bowl down on the nightstand once more before she caressed your cheek. "It's time for your medicine again."

"No, not again." You groaned as she grabbed the medicine.

She poured a tiny bit of the liquid into the cap and brought it to your lips.

"Baby, it's going to help you get better. You need to take it."

"I can't. It tastes horrible."

"No medicine, no cuddles."

And with that, you swallowed the medicine down, causing Gracie to grin.

It worked like a charm, just as she figured it would.

"Okay, now I can cuddle you."

"Good because I'm freezing." You said as you started to shiver.

"Oh, my poor baby." She said before laying down and pulling you into her arms.

She tangled her legs with yours and stayed as close as she could get to you, so you'd warm up quickly and drift back off to sleep.

"You're going to get my cold if you stay this close to me."

"I don't care." She said as she ran her fingers through your hair. "I just want to take care of you and be here for you."

As much as you hated the thought of her feeling as miserable as you do right now, you'd do the same for her in a heartbeat.

And you couldn't deny it - you did need her.

You felt so awful and the only thing that could make you feel even slightly better and bring you any sort of relief was Gracie.

So you snuggled up to her and closed your tired eyes as she played with your hair and tried to soothe you to sleep.

"I've got you, baby. Get some sleep. I promise I'll keep taking great care of you until you feel better."

"Thank you." You spoke against her neck, where your face was buried.

You were already drifting back off to sleep, quietly mumbling that you loved her as you did so.

"I love you too, darling." She said with a small smile as she watched you closely, hoping that you'd begin to feel better very soon.

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