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Warning: nsfw

Ghost knocked on a door after bringing you to it. You knew this was probably König's room, you were worried he was going to be really mad with you.

The door opened cautiously but upon it opening you were met with König. His eyes obviously tired, dark circles, and worried wrinkles creased his forehead. His whole face lit up upon seeing you.

"Sheiße, Y/N?"

"König," you greet with an awkward smile.

Tears welled in his eyes, "mein engel."

He wrapped you up in his arms, pressing a kiss to your lips.

"I'm sorry," you croaked.

"Please don't leave me," he cried.

"I'll leave you alone," Ghost says, walking down the hallway to a room and shutting the door behind him.

"I won't."

That was a lie. A lie straight through your teeth.

Stop lying to him.

He pulled you in his room and shut the door. "Please come back home," he whines.

"You know I can't do that, hun. They deserve it."

"Please don't do this anymore."

You knew he had seen what you had done to Destiny and her kid. He probably thought you were a monster for doing it.

"I have to finish what I started."

"Ally needs you."

"Where is she?" You asked.

"Home, with Sloth."

"He's probably stressed out of his mind," you sigh.

"Because you won't stop. You are so adamant about killing them that you don't realize you're killing your self... look at you, you still have blood on your cheek," he says swiping hai thumb across it.


"You're killing yourself doing this, love. You're on the brink of insanity, and if you don't stop, there won't be much of you left."

"I know König, but-"

"Please just come home."

"They'll be after me if I don't finish it," you point out.

"Then let me help you."

"König," you sighed resting your forehead up against his.


"I can't."

"You have to. You can't die because of this."

Tears rolled down your cheeks. You couldn't end all of this now and risk their revenge. They could find König, or worse, Ally and kill them as some sort of vengeance for the death of their general.

"Please don't cry mein engel, let's just go home okay?"

You nodded softly, pressing your lips onto his again. Only this time it became more heated, in a matter of seconds your legs were wrapped around his waist as you grinded against his erection.

"Oh fuck~ mommy," he moans.

He threw you onto the bed, crawling in between your legs and inching your shorts down.

König moved you underwear to the side, dipping his fingers in, his tongue circling your aching clit and his fingers plunged into you at a bruising pace.

Small whimpers left your mouth as he finger fucked you. "Let me ride you, please," you moaned.

How could he have already gotten you so close to cumming, he had barely done anything to you. Maybe it was the fact that you were so deprived of sex.

He pulled you on top of himself bucking his hips into you to get any type of friction. "König," you moaned.

His lips sucked furious bruises along your neck and jawline. His hands pulled your shirt off so he could get a better vantage point of your chest.

You pleasured yourself on his hard cock, letting out little whimpers as it hit the right spot.

You yelped when he bit down on your neck, "fuck König."

"I'm so close," he whimpered. "Oh, mommy, oh fuck."

You didn't feel like edging him tonight. "Cum, cum in me, oh- fuck I'm going to cum."

Your moans increased in volume as he bucked his hips up ruthlessly. You bit down on your own hand to prevent yourself from screaming out.

The bed creaked beneath the two of you, the headboard hitting the wall. You hoped there wasn't people in the next room.

"I'm going to cum," his words came out choppy and out of breath, almost in a moan. "Please, please let me."

With a final moan of pure bliss he came, still bucking his hips upward so that you could reach your high. His cock twitching and the familiar warmth of his cum was what sent you over the edge.

You collapsed onto his chest, "holy fuck," you breathed.

"Please stay," he whimpered, holding you close.

You couldn't stay.

You couldn't be dragged back home.

Not until you were done.

Once you were sure he was asleep you slipped from his grasp. You dug through his bag, finding a pair of handcuffs and the key to them.

You put them on him, one on his right arm, the other attaching to the bed post. You hid the key in a dresser drawer, underneath a blanket.

You bent down to kiss him on the cheek, leaving a Polaroid picture of you, Marcy, and Plague on the bedside table. You had snapped the picture earlier.

You burst into your room, grabbing you things and shaking Marcy awake. "We need to go now."

Authors note: sorry for the short chapter and not being active, I'll try my hardest to post a little more. School been a pain in the ass.

Hopefully the smut makes up for it.

Again so sorry, I love you all sm

Word count: 887

Stone Cold and Possibly Crazy <König x fem Reader>Where stories live. Discover now