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"MOMMY?!" Ally screamed as she ran over to you, wrapping her small arms around your legs.

"Oh Ally cat," you cooed, crouching down and wrapping your arms around her. Ally was crying loudly, her tears already soaking your shirt. "It's ok, I'm here now."

It hurt König to see his daughter run up to the mother who had abandoned her. The mother who had so cruelly left her, without a promise of return. König wondered how much Ally would love her mother if she knew what you had done.

Oh god, what was König thinking? You were his wife, his reason for living, his everything. Why was his mind so hostile towards you?

Do you mind explaining what the hell happened? Sloth signed to you.

"Laswell had all the information she needed and she decided not to do anything about it. So, I went after her."

Sloth gave you a look, I meant all the action, fill me in, he signed.

You rolled your eyes, I made her kill her own daughter and beg for forgiveness, I hung her from her balcony and carved out her guts. Then I melted out her eyeballs and lit her on fire. And then for my finishing touch I carved an R into her forehead, you signed to him, not wanting to upset Ally or König.

Sounds like the good old you, Sloth signs. I miss when you were crazy.

I kinda miss that too, you sign with a frown. You missed the military a lot more than you should have. Things were much easier and simple, you didn't have to worry about holding down a job, shopping for groceries, making sure there was dog food, keeping your relationship steady. Everything was so much simpler.

Then we should go back, he signs.

Maybe that would be a good thing, you and Sloth were quite the team. However, you were a mom now, you have a family.

Plague rested her head on your lap, Sloth was sitting next to you on the couch, Plague was on your opposite side.

"Dad! Daddy!" Ella screamed, hugging Ghost and Soap as soon as they came in the door. Her biological mom had agreed to watch her while the two were away.

"How much should we pay you?" Soap asks.

"Nothing, I'm happy to watch her, anytime," she replies.

"Thank you so much," Soap says.

Ghost had Ella in his arms, whispering little I love yous and asking how her week was. Soap thought that was incredibly adorable of him. He hadn't ever really heard Ghost he that sweet to Ella in front of other people. Ghosts voice was obnoxiously high pitched as he cooed to his daughter. "You wanna go get ice cream? Huh?"

"Yeah," Ella babbled. She was nearly two now, if it had taken any longer they would've missed her birthday.

They took Ella out of the house, showering her with the love and attention they couldn't have given her the week they were gone. Soap buckled her up into her car seat in the back and hopped into the passenger seat. Ghost had gotten much better at driving.

Ghosts right hand rested on Soaps thigh as he used his left to steer. A smile planted itself on Soaps face.

"Thank you," she babbled once she received her vanilla ice cream.

Ghost smiled upon looking back at her. A wave of happiness coming across him. "I missed this," Soap said, resting his hand on Ghosts.

Ghost hadn't missed this kind of life much. He missed being in the military and having the thrill of killing people. Was it wrong of him to miss that? He couldn't ever truly be happy with this life, he was trying so hard to make it work, but he just wasn't completely happy.

Soap has made plans before they left to pick up a surprise for Ghost and now he was going to pick it up. Ghost was still asleep so it was the perfect time to get it.

"Aren't you just the cutest thing," Soap cooed to the sleeping Rottweiler puppy in the passenger seat. The puppy had a white spot on its chest in the shape of a skull.

Ghost had been upset after loosing Riley, so Soap thought he could cheer him up with a new puppy. Ghost could name him and train him.

Soap parked the car outside the house and opened the passenger side car door, he picked up the puppy and cradled him on his arms, closing the car door with his foot and locking it. He carried the dozy pup inside the house and into their shared bedroom. He placed the pup on the bed, gently shaking Ghost awake.

Ghosts glared at Soap for waking him up, but quickly saw the puppy. His frown turned into a small smile. The pup woke up, climbing all over Ghost in a burst of energy.

"Hey there bud," Ghost cooed scratching behind the dogs ears. "He got a name?"

"No," Soap responds.

"How about Phantom?"

"I love that."

Soap climbed into bed next to Ghost pressing a kiss to his forehead and drifting back to sleep. Phantom curled up at the end of the bed and went back to sleep.

I feel like ghost would be a Rottweiler person and also I chose the name Phantom bc it goes along with Ghost and also it's kinda named after the guy replacing Aether in the band Ghost.

Anyway I'm tryin to get longer chapters and I put a bit of Ghost, Soap, and Ella into this chapter. I might need some ideas if anyone has suggestions.

Word count: 941

Stone Cold and Possibly Crazy <König x fem Reader>Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang