Chapter 2 - From Eve to Morn

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The next morning, Ville made his way to the studio utterly embarrassed of his outburst towards Serena. He had gone home, taken care of himself, and in a moment of post-orgasm clarity realized exactly what he had said to her. No, he hadn’t been drinking, but his pent up lust and aggression was clouding his judgment just as badly as alcohol would’ve. 

He walked in through the front door of FinnVox and to the specific space reserved for HIM, and as soon as he entered the threshold, he came face-to-face with Serena.

“Oh.” Ville blurted out in surprise. “You’re here early.” he looked over at the sofa, noticing a throw blanket hanging over the side.

"Yeah, I got up early." Serena nodded, taking a sip of coffee. 

"When did you get here?" Ville questioned.

Serena looked at him weirdly, "Well aren't you nosy."

Ville rolled his eyes. Once again, she blocked all attempts of being personable. "Whatever. Did you get the–"

Serena cut him off and held up a new cord in plastic packaging. "Yes, Your Highness." She tossed it to the side and turned her back to him to begin getting the rehearsal space together. Her coworkers and the rest of Ville's band would be there in a little while. "But I didn't actually need a new cord. I figured out what the problem with Linde's wah pedal was."

Ville froze. "You did?"

"Yup." Serena replied. "Turns out some dickhead fucked with the amp. Kinda hard to keep a connection with the wah when there's a cigarette ashes clogging up the port."

Ville smiled and his body released tension. She still thought it was a mistake. "Sorry." He had done that in purpose. In fact, he had broken and sabotaged a lot of equipment in the past in an effort to keep Serena working close by. He's intentionally spilled coffee on a control board, he cut wires, he pushed wrong buttons, he disconnected cables, and now he kept putting his cigarettes out in and on equipment knowing it would require Serena's help.

Serena cocked an eyebrow "You think it's funny? How many fucking times do I have to tell you to use an ashtray?"

Ville shrugged "I'm the talent. I can do what I want."

"WOW!" Serena raised her eyebrows and laughed, "You are un-fucking-believable."

"Tell you what, I'll start using ashtrays when you can stop being such a cunt all the time." Ville deadpanned.

Serena smirked "I have to be a cunt. I have to counteract what a massive fucking dick you are."

"At least you recognize it's massive." Ville smirked back.

Serena rolled her eyes "Yeah. Whatever. I felt it on my leg last night, you could use a little more humility."

"Fuck you." Ville muttered and rolled his eyes and tried to play off his bruised ego.

There was a moment of silence before Serena cleared her throat. "You know I remember what you said to me last night." Serena informed him.

Ville's stomach lurched, oh fuck… she wasn't drunk enough to forget it seems. "And?" He harshly replied, trying to play off his embarrassment.

"I'm not drunk now." Serena smiled.

"And?" He retorted again, just as indignantly.

Serena said nothing and kissed him deeply which Ville hungrily reciprocated. Serena allowed herself to melt into him for a moment before pulling back "You told me to shut up, I said make me, you said if I wasn't drunk, you'd show me." Her voice was sultry and quiet, her hand traveled to his groin and she could feel him beginning to get hard. "So show me. Shut me up, Ville."

"You aren't ready for that side of me." Ville whispered.

Serena huffed a sigh "For fucks sake, can you drop the gloom and doom act for a second? I'm painfully horny. I haven't been with anyone in months and neither have you. Can you stop being yourself for a second and do us both a favor and just fuck me?"

Ville laughed "No."

Serena's eyes widened "No?"

Ville nodded to confirm, "Nope." Serena didn't respond, she just stared at him. "I tried last night, you not only rejected me, but then got sloppily drunk so then it was completely off the table. Now it's the morning and you're 'sobered' up," he used air quotes around the word, "and now you want to fuck me. But no. Because you've been drinking. Its 7 o'clock in the morning and there's liquor in your coffee.  I tasted it on your lips."

Serena just blinked at him and turned to grab her jacket and coffee to leave. "I'm gonna go. Call Matti if you decide to sabotage anymore equipment. Yeah, I know you do it on purpose. It's because you're a self-centered diva who thinks the world revolves around you. Yeah, I've been drinking. You got me. You'd think someone else with the same problem would have a little more empathy and not throw it into someone's face."


"Fuck off." She cut him off and left.

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