Chapter 11: To Blind & Chase Us Over the Edge

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"I gotta be honest, I'm not in the mood for this." Serena huffed as she got out of the back of an Uber with Ville.

"What would you rather be doing?" Ville questioned, looking down at his phone.

"Fucking." Serena answered bluntly with a shrug. "Having hot, kinky sex like we do every other day of the week."

Ville raised his eyes and smirked, "Well, too bad. It's Christmas. We have to go visit my parents." Ville shrugged. "We can't spend Jesus' birthday acting like degenerates."

Serena furrowed her brow and gave Ville a strange look, "We are degenerates. We've done things that would make your father blush." she paused briefly and added, "Also, been meaning to ask, why the fuck do I need to go? These are your parents. It's not like we're a couple."

Ville's heart panged slightly, "Because I said so and if you make any more fuss I'll light your ass up like a Christmas tree."

"Don't threaten me with a good time." Serena muttered with a smirk as they reached the door to Ville's parents' house.

Ville didn't bother knocking, he just walked right in. "Hello hello, I've arrived." he announced with a playful arrogance.

Suddenly a tall, white haired man rounded the corner. Serena immediately noted it looked like Ville 30 years in the future, it was like Kari Valo copy & pasted himself, he and his son were practically twins.

"Hey son, Merry Christmas." Kari said embracing his son warmly. "Ah, and you must be the girlfriend we've heard so much about!" Kari didn't give Serena a moment to react to his statement before he enveloped her into a big, tight hug.

Serena froze and made eye contact with Ville who looked guilty and uncomfortable, but gently hugged back, not trying to make things more awkward.

"Ville has told us so much about you. Anita! Come meet Serena." Kari called out to his wife.

Anita rounded the corner and a huge smile spread across her face. "Oh it is so nice to finally meet you! Ville has gushed about how wonderful you are." she beamed, wrapping Serena in a hug.

Serena was speechless for a moment then leaned into it, "Yeah, Ville has told me a lot about both of you, it's nice to finally meet you too."

As soon as Kari and Anita turned their backs Serena glared at Ville "What the fuck?" she mouthed silently.

"Just go with it, please. I'll explain later." Ville muttered under his breath.

"You're such a loser. Oh my god..." Serena rolled her eyes and followed him into the living room.

"Look, I'll make it worth your while later. Promise." Ville assured her over his shoulder.

"Serena, I don't think you've met Ville's brother yet. So this is Jesse, and this is his girlfriend Noora. Jesse, Noora, this is Serena." Anita introduced.

Jesse stood up to hug his brother and Serena which she reciprocated just as she had with his parents.

"And uh, actually, as of this morning Noora is my fiancé." Jesse announced to his brother.

Anita gasped "Oh god, you're right. I'm so sorry, I don't know how I forgot! Ville look at her ring, isn't it gorgeous?" Anita excitedly pulled her eldest son over to her soon-to-be daughter-in-law.

After the commotion settled and congratulations were given, Serena sat down next to Ville, who his arm around her, and Serena didn't push him away to his shock. Serena considered herself many things, but the kind of person to cause a scene or an awkward situation at a Christmas gathering, especially one this special for the family, was not one of them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2023 ⏰

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