Chapter 6 - Let The Fire Burn You Alive

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"Where d'you think you're going?" Ville grumbled sleepily. Serena was up moving around his bedroom getting ready to leave. The sun wasn't even up yet.

"I have to get to the studio. Stuff to do." Serena reminded him.

"We're not doing anymore rehearsing for another few days, come back to bed."

Serena laughed "You are aware other bands exist, right?"

"We're the only ones that matter." Ville muttered, sitting up. "Let me come with you."

"What? Why?" Serena questioned.

"I know you keep booze at the studio."

"And you don't trust me?"

"Not particularly." Shook his head but smirked playfully to show he was kidding. Secretly, he just didn't want to be apart from her. She was addictive. 

"You'd just be in my way." Serena grinned. "But I promise I'll get rid of it."

Ville shook his head once again, "Okay, well I'll be there to make sure you do." And he began to get out of bed himself.

"Suit yourself. I also have to run back to my apartment tonight, grab some stuff. I'm gonna need some clothes and I have a little something I think we could have fun with."

"Great, I'm going to go with you." Ville replied, pulling on his pants.

"Gonna put a hard pass on that one." Serena shook her head. "No, I really don't want you involved with that shitshow."


"Because if Juhani and whatsherface are there, it has a tendency of being extremely awkward." Understatement of the year, she thought to herself.

"Do I need to deal with him? Like tell him to fuck off and leave you alone?"

Serena sighed "Ville, I appreciate it, but I'm just going to avoid him as much as possible. I do not need anymore drama in my life."

Ville bit the inside of his lip, "Okay, well after we get rid of the booze at the studio, I'll take you over to the apartment, I'll wait outside, you grab some stuff and we'll come back here. I won't interfere, I'll just wait."

~~Several Hours Later~~

Serena climbed the stairs to her apartment door to find the chain lock engaged. Her hope to sneak in and out, without having to speak or see Juhani, was quickly dashed. She took a deep breath and knocked on the door and through the gap in the door provided by the chain lock she called out "Juhani? Its me, I'm just here to grab my stuff."

She heard the TV mute and footsteps come towards the door, but not Juhani's. To Serena's dismay, his fiancée Ella appeared. 

"You really need to call before you come over." She said, rolling her eyes before unlocking the door.

"I'm not calling to get access to an apartment I'm currently paying for." Serena snapped, pushing past her to get into the bedroom.

"Hey! You don't go in there!" Ella's shouted.

"Again! I pay for the apartment!" Serena responded continuing forward. 

She threw open the bedroom door, cheeks burning hot with rage, to find Juhani asleep in the bed. 

"Jesus christ, what the fuck are you doing here?" Juhani got out of bed in a huff. 

"Getting my stuff." Serena didn't even look at him.

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