Chapter 3 - Zipping Cupid in a Body Bag Well-Worn

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It was a rainy Friday evening, Ville was home feeling sorry for himself. He had been a complete ass to Serena, for the same reason he was an ass to her before; he was out of his mind with sexual and emotional frustration and taking it out on her. He knew it was wrong to throw an alcohol problem in her face, even if it was factual, it crossed a line.

But he was proud and wasn't going to make the move to talk to her first. He'd just let her calm down and then when she talked to him first, then he'd apologize. In the meantime, he was indulging in the internet's finest selection of porn. He had a type, he rarely talked about it, but Serena was slowly pulling it out of him; he was a fan of the Dominant/submissive category. He was. After all, an ego maniac and a control freak. He needed to be adored by his partner, he needed to be the one calling the shots.

So far in his life, he had always been with headstrong women, which he also liked, because someone who was needy and codependent just wouldn't work. There was only room for one obsessive person and it was him. But in the bedroom? He wanted her to be putty in his hands.

Did he ever express this to a partner? Absolutely not. Vocalize his needs? Perish the thought! But now he had been on his longest dry spell of his life since losing his virginity, and now, he wanted what he wanted and he didn't want to compromise. So he came to the conclusion that a quickie with some obnoxious, obstinate sound engineer from his studio just wasn't going to work.

Did he like Serena? Absolutely. She was charming, funny, smart, sweet (when she wanted to be) and she was undeniably beautiful. She had a sex appeal that she was clearly aware of, he found that oddly arousing. She wasn't shy, she was genuine, and he respected that. They got along well, but she just clearly didn't seem interested in anything more than a quick fuck, and that's not what Ville wanted at this point in his life.

He was perusing the XXX website, dick in hand as he looked over the various D/s videos. He in the past said he "would never want to see his partner tied up" when asked if he had kinks, but that was a lie. He would love to, he just never had the balls to ask for it. To have complete control would be a dream. He listened to the video with his eyes closed as he involuntarily began to picture Serena.

But the fantasy was short lived, because suddenly dozens of pop ups flooded his screen and the erotic audio from the video he selected became a long, distorted screech.

"No no no no no, fuck!" Ville exclaimed, and began to push buttons in a panic before slamming the laptop shut altogether. To his dismay, the audio kept going. Ville leaned his head back and huffed a sigh, "Fuck me." he grumbled and then slid the laptop beneath a couch cushion in his home studio to muffle the noise still screeching from the speakers.

This laptop was important. It had all the information for the upcoming Digital Versatile Doom live album, song samples for the next studio album, and more. He couldn't lose this laptop.

Ville quickly put himself away and grabbed his phone. He could no longer wait for Serena to get over being mad at him; he needed her.

"Yes, Ville, what do you need now?" Serena's voice was ripe with frustration.

Ville wanted to be an asshole back but he really did need her and fast. "I have a situation, I need you to come over and look at my laptop."

"I've already worked at the studio for free, I'm not going unless there's something in it for me."

"Fine, I'll buy you dinner and booze." Ville replied, pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration.

Serena sighed, "Okay. That'll do. What happened?"

Ville snapped, "I don't want to explain over the phone. Just– come over. You'll see when you get here."

"Temper temper! I'm asking because I need to know what tools I might need, dingus. What did you break?"

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