Chapter 9 - This Gory Glory Of It All

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WARNING: This gets very, very spicy. BDSM is involved, all consensual, but still. I WARNED YOU. Just... don't come at me lmao

Ville and Serena headed out for dinner with the rest of the band and production team. They were going to a place called The Rainbow Room, a bar and pool hall near their hotel. Ville had excitedly told her about it, that it was one of his favorite places in LA. This would be his first time going there while sober, and he was just happy Serena would be sober too. Having a sober buddy would be a good excuse for them to stick together and it not raise any suspicion from anyone in their party.

Everyone sat down and began talking about what they wanted to order. Ville & Serena sat side-by-side and during a lull in conversation, he affectionately rubbed her knee under the table. Serena side-eyed him playfully and then flicked his hand several times, painfully, until Ville let go.

"One" Ville took a mental note. He knew what was happening here. Before they left the hotel, Serena expressed that she wanted to play when they got back. Ville said "We'll see" just as a joke to make her pout, but now Serena was clearly acting like a petulant child to make sure they did. And thus began the power struggle; she wanted to rile him up but Ville was not about to let her win. Instead, he was going to keep a silent tally in his head, not react to any of her bratty behavior, and whatever number they reached by the time they got back to the hotel room was the amount of times he was going to blister her ass with a leather strap.

"I'm going to get a chicken wrap... I guess Slenderman over here will have water and lettuce." Serena joked.

"Two...." Ville silently counted.

They all ate together and then dispersed to drink and hang out in different areas of the bar. Serena ran off with Matti to play some pool, and Ville hung back at first, opting to shoot a round with Mige before he'd join back up with Serena.

As Serena and Matti finished up their game, a tall man with long, straight brown hair, combat boots and a leather jacket came up to her. "Hey there, name's Derek." He introduced himself. "Would you like a drink?"

Serena smiled sweetly, she was about to decline, but then she noticed Ville watching her like a hawk. "Hi, Derek! I'm Serena." she introduced herself. "And yes please, thank you so much. That's so sweet! I would honestly love a Redbull, if you don't mind?" she batted her eyes at him,

"Eight." Ville tallied in his mind. He got up and left his bandmates and took a seat at the bar, next to the pool table that Matti and Serena were using. He wanted to be close enough to listen.

Derek came right back with a can of Redbull for Serena, ignoring Ville who was staring daggers into the side of his head. "Oh my god, thank you so much, sweetie!" Serena gushed and touched Derek's arm, playing it up even more that she knew Ville was so close.

"Nine. Ten." Ville continued counting the indiscretions.

"Your accent, you're not from here are you?" Derek asked.

Serena shook her head, taking a sip of the Redbull. "Nope, I'm from Finland actually. What about you? Are you from LA?"

"Eleven." Ville added.

"Nah, I'm originally from Sacramento." Derek replied. "How long are you in LA, Serena?"

"Just until the end of the month." Serena smiled and bit her lip flirtatiously.

"Twelve." Ville mentally added another tally

"Maybe we should hang out." Derek suggested.

"Maybe..." Serena replied bashfully, really playing it up for Ville.

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