Chapter 8 - A Method To Our Sadness

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Ville and Serena sat at the Starbucks inside of London's Heathrow Airport. They had just flown in from Helsinki with Matti, Serena's coworker who would also be assisting with the production of Digital Versatile Doom, and the rest of the band, plus management. The pair had yet to have been in front of people after establishing their friends-with-benefits situationship and D/s dynamic, so they were awkward around everyone. Neither of them particularly wanting others to know, but it also felt weird not being close to each other.

After all, They had spent nearly every day with each other, aside from when they both had to work, but she had been sleeping over there every night since the last encounter with Juhani. Per Ville's request, she didn't go back over the apartment unless Ville was present. Luckily for Serena, however, she had yet to see Juhani when she did go back, as she tried to time it when she thought he would be at work. Serena wanted to avoid a Ville/Juhani confrontation at all costs.

So now it was very weird that they were seated near each other but barely acknowledging each other. When Serena stood up to grab another coffee, Ville followed closely behind, pretending to fix his coffee by standing at the cream & sugar and stirring for an obnoxiously long time. "I'm not ignoring you, you know." he muttered so only she would hear. "I just–"

"I know." Serena hissed back. "I don't want anyone knowing either. So shut up and walk away before this looks weird."

Ville felt a lot better that he wasn't hurting Serena's feelings and he smirked, "I know we're in public, but if you ever tell me to shut up again and I will take you into that bathroom and tear your ass apart." he murmured beside her before walking away and heading over to the smoking area.

Serena grinned, getting turned on by his threat, before heading back to the table. She walked into a conversation between Matti & Mige.

"Serena, you're engaged right?" Mige asked as she approached the table, but then looking down at her hand and suddenly realizing there was no more ring.

She took a cautious sip of her coffee and shook her head, "No, that's over."

"Oh, okay. Well, are you seeing anyone?" Mige asked.

Serena furrowed her eyebrows, "What? No. Why?"

"Matti and I are discussing spouses and traveling for a living, and we just wanted to get your input on how your man would be reacting to you leaving for an extended period of time." Mige explained.

Serena nodded, "Ah, well yeah. I have no one to answer to."

Ville came back just in time to hear her say that. For a brief moment he felt slighted, but sat down at the table, not trying to draw attention to himself.

"That is the ideal life." Matti sighed. "No one to answer to, no one trying to control you, just freedom."

Serena grinned, "Exactly." she took another sip of coffee before continuing, "Yeah, pretty sure that ship has sailed for me. I'll never get serious again. Maybe casual shit here and there but I'm done with 'love'" she used air quotes around the word 'love', her tone dripping with cynicism.

Ville's stomach churned, that was not what he wanted to hear. He tried to snuff out the feeling, telling himself this is what HE had asked her for. The entire friends-with-benefits with a side order of D/s was his idea. In Ville's mind he had no right to be upset, but still, his mind couldn't pull his heart out from the pit of his stomach. All his mind could manage to do was fix his face from the peeved expression he knew had to have been present. He could feel his face muscles tensed and he tried like hell to relax.

Ville, Serena, and the crew all arrived in their LA hotel several hours later. It had been a long day of flying, and everyone was desperate to get settled into their rooms and go out. As everyone stood around in the lobby, Ville casually walked up beside Serena and pretended to be looking at his phone when he slipped her a room key.

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