Captain Price x Reader

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Price x Female Reader:

Y/n's POV:

Y/bf/n: (Your best friend's name)

Y/f/m: (Your favorite music)

You're at the bus stop so you can go home from your best friend's house.

It was so fun to see y/bf/n once again, I missed that bitch. I was on my way to the bus stop which was in front of a bar; it was late at night and I was a bit scared. I waited for my bus, when a man got out the bar wandering the surroundings.

I watched the man as I waited for the bus. He was slowly approaching, he looked intimidating, tall, nice beard and with a cigarette on his hand. He was looking for someone apparently. I looked away once he was close enough, just to look like I was concentrated on the bus.

"Got a light?" Asked me the man.

"I don't smoke" Said I.

"Hmm" He growled.

"Now I can't light my fucking cigar!" Said the man, I started feeling the fear.

I stayed in silence.

He tried to light his cigar with his humble lighter.

"No no no no..." He whispered.

"Fuck!" He said, throwing the lighter away.

I was feeling scared of that man, he just needed to light his cigar, but how violent could he get if he didn't get to light it? I crossed my arms. It was a bit cold and I didn't bring any coat.

"What are you doin here alone at this time?" He asked.

"I'm going home" I said.

"Well..." He said, putting the cigar back in it's box.

"... the last bus passed at 11:35..." He sighed.

"It's almost midnight..." He said.

"Fuck..." I whispered.

"Yeah..." He said.

We stayed in silence for a couple minutes... It was so uncomfortable, I needed to go home and I didn't have any mean of transport. I was fucked.

"I can take you... I mean" He sighed, I looked at him.

"You barely know me but... I can take you home. You can't be here alone at this time" He continued.

What was I supposed to do? I had no choice... I guess I had to accept this man's offer. He stayed to take care of me after all, but I couldn't trust him just like that...

"I don't know" I said, my hands were shaking.

"What about your parents?" He asked.

"They're sleeping right now, I don't want to bother them" I replied.

"Well... You must go home" He said.

I looked at him.

"My car is right there at the bar, will you come?" He asked.

I just followed him.

We were crossing the street.

"You don't mind we stop at my house first so I can get a damn lighter?" He asked.

Of course I did, but I had no choice, and he was being kind enough by taking me home after all.

"No." I replied.

I got in his car, I felt a bit embarrassed, I closed the car's door very hard.

"Be careful with it kid" He said.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2023 ⏰

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