Chapter Five: New Orleans

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Angelica told me that I had a special job. My job is to find a group of vampires rumored to be the original family in New Orleans. The original family was my family so I doubt it to be true. I may write more about my family being the first vampire but for now I will speak of New Orleans.
      New Orleans is also known as the big easy. It's seen as vibrant and having a wonderful nightlife. It reminds me of New York City in a way. The connection to New Orleans and my family isn't well...really a connection at all. I remember after me and Abraham built the Helsing organization I remember we helped a man named Jean who said something about building a city.
      After some research I found out that my father went to New Orleans. After gathering some other information I have found out the supernatural side of New Orleans. If I were to put it in simple terms I'd have to say that New Orleans is a kingdom of the supernatural. The dominant force in New Orleans is vampires who drain the blood of tourists then heal them with blood then compel them to forget the experience. The ruler of the vampire side is unknown but something else that should be known is that the vampires also have several business owners compelled to give them a cut of there profit.
     It seems the leaders of New Orleans is aware of the vampires. The leader of the vampire gives the mayor certain...perks in exchange for leaving them be. The second faction is rather on the low...werewolves these beasts run in packs and they have a rich history in New Orleans however they have mainly been ran out of the city however they still do exist within the city. But many are without a pack.
      The final faction are witches, practitioners of magic. New Orleans is known for voodoo apparently from my research and it seems that magic is tied to the land itself. Many witches were buried in New Orleans, the land has magic seeping from the ground. I find this interesting and perhaps I can gain more information. I must prepare for my trip, I will write in this journal tomorrow.

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