Part Nine: Hell

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I decided that now is the time to talk about obtaining Hell. How I plan to obtain it and everything else. The first thing I would need is someone who I deem to have a pure soul. A person that can care about me despite my evils. Then I would need a soul that is very powerful, one that can rival my family's power and one who could be a threat to me.
       I would then fuse my soul with that soul and the pure soul will speak these words "Abandon all hope ye who enter here" the phrase from a story I read as a child. Once that happens I must wait for the the full moon and then I will obtain the powers of hell. When I have the power of hell I'd return Cherie to life and build my vampiric kingdom.
           How I gathered this recipe it was due to some childhood stories and other things. The powerful soul must be that of a sinners. A sinner has great power as they are willing to use there full potential to destroy. Finding someone who is a threat to me is difficult and finding a pure soul is even harder. Nothing will stop me from pursing hell. If I do not find hell then I shall remain alone forever.
        One will say that I'm not alone, one will say that I am the opposite of alone. This is true but when I say I'm alone it is because I cannot be myself around my family. I want my family to see me as strong, so that they can rely on me. I want my family to be safe and to feel safe. I cannot be my true vulnerable self around my family so I must stick with this mask. reminds me..never mind I'll speak of that tomorrow.

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