Part Twelve: Edith

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I've met a girl, she is blonde but the tips of her hair is dyed purple. She introduced her name as Edith Claire. She was very kind and we spent the day together, I find her kindness to be very enchanting. We are the same age and she taught me how to have fun. Oh well anyway, the reason I speak of this is because I believe she could be the pure soul.
      The pure soul needed in order to obtain hell. I tested it several times and she's always passed. This is great news, I may finally be able to achieve my goal. I think maybe I should introduce my plan to my family. However now that I think of it as I, Alister write in this notebook, I doubt it is a good idea to reveal my plan to any of the people that I know now.
It's not that I don't trust them it's that I'm scared of them getting hurt. I also somewhat fear them turning against me. Edith has phoned me and she has said that she wants to come visit me and my family.
      This is wonderful I very much enjoy her company and so I will allow her to come over. Some may say that I'm soften my heart and allowing me to be vulnerable again. However I digress I see this as an opportunity, after all I'm trying to love again how can I forget about love.
        My hand is starting to shake a little. My heart is beating fast and I feel like my knees are weak. I do not know what this feeling is, I vaguely remember feeling this way over 100 years ago no no I can not be feeling love for her..I love Cherie...

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