A few days had passed since that day in the cafe. Kaia had been working hard and it was time for midterms.




"K WAKE UP!!" Nala yelled.

She had actually slept in our room last night. It was the week of midterms, so she figured it was best to stay with me and study all week. She thought it would make her partying with Jonathan on Friday extra special.

I let out a loud yawn.

"Can you hurry up and get ready! We have to be in class by 8:45 today if we want to actually get counted for attendance."

"Just 5 more minutes please"

"No!" she said dragging me out of bed.

"Owwww," I let out a yelp as she dropped me on the floor.

I walked over to my closet. I wasn't planning on dressing up like Nala was. She believed dressing for success was mandatory, but I believed comfortability would enhance my abilities.

I pulled out my gray Victoria Secret sweat pants, and my black polo hoodie. This would have to do. I took a quick shower and did a little something with my hair.

"I'm ready."

"You're going like that?!" Nala shook her head. "Never mind let's just go."

I grabbed my tote bag with all my belongings and headed for the door. As I locked our dorm room door, I heard someone come out the dorm across the hall. I turned around to find the same tall, dark, muscular figure that I saw by the tree this past week.

He smiled at the sight of me.

"Hey" I said.

"Wassup", he said, throwing his head up.

When I got in the car Nala stared at me.

"Hey" she mimicked.

"Let's just go to class" I sighed.

I took my seat in class and pulled out my notes. I had a few minutes to quickly look i've them before it was time to take my test.

"Thank you all for arriving on time today." said Professor Range, "I wish you all the best of luck, and let's get started."

About an half an hour passed by. I rubbed my eyes. I was still tired. My stomach started to growl. I forgot to grab my pop tart before I left this morning.

This is gonna be a long test.


what? it can't be??!

I hadn't finished my test. I still had 13 questions left. I started to panic as Professor Range walked up the aisle to collect our tests.

Well I know I'm not getting a good grade on that.

It turns out I zoned out for longer that I thought. I guess coming to class on an empty stomach was a bad idea.

"So how do you think you did?I think I aced it!" Nala asked excitedly.

"Well I didn't do so well." I said plainly.

"What? No, i'm sure you did good!"

"I didn't even finish."

"Oh" Nala frowned.

"Well you'll do better next time." she said, while giving me a sympathetic pat on the shoulder.

As evening approached, I realized today would be the only time I would get to do laundry this week. I threw my clothes in my laundry bag and heading out towards the laundry room.

As I lugged the heavy bag of clothes, my new neighbor exited his room with his own basket.

I tried to walk faster, but the bag of clothes was weighing me down.

As I turned the corner to the facilities hall, I tripped over my own shoes and fell face first to the ground.


I looked up to see an outstretched hand to me. I pushed myself up off the ground and dusted off my clothes.

This is so embarrassing.

"Prideful I see." he chuckled.

"I don't take the hand of strangers." I rolled my eyes.

"Prideful." he laughed and walked away.

This nigga...

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