I woke up to a knock on my dorm room door and shook my head in irritation. Nala was already up and getting ready to get in the shower.

"Kaia go see whose at the door please."

"But you're already upppp" I dragged.

"But I don't have clothes on!" she said, while adjusting her towel.

I rolled out of bed and put on my slippers.

I opened the door and to my surprise, our RA was back.

"Hey Michelle..." I said slightly confused.

"Hey, is Nala in here, we're supposed to meet later this morning, but I have some errands to run, so I came to tell her the news now."

"She's in the shower, but what news?"

"Well tell her that her request to move out of the dorms was approved and she can start moving out immediately."

I stared blankly.

Michelle handed me some papers and walked off.

I shut the door and went back to my bed. Nala never mentioned submitting a move out request to me. The fuck was this about...

When Nala got out the shower, I placed the papers in her hand and said nothing.

"Oh... I got approved!" she said awkwardly.

"When did you submit a request to move out - and why?" I questioned

"Well I'm never here, so yk I just thought that it wouldn't be an issue yk?" We're already halfway done with the semester... and I wanted to get an apartment with Jonathan."

"Well usually that's the type of thing you tell your roommate before you just go do it . "

"Well I didn't think it mattered or anything, you don't need me. This is why you need to find your own man."

I tilted my head to the side.

I just know this bitch did not try to flip this to be about me finding a boyfriend -

"Ain't no way you're deadass right now Nala."

"I'm just saying, you wouldn't be so upset if you had a boyfriend."

"Not everything is about a fucking nigga Nala. It's the principle. I wasn't even upset, but it's just common fucking curtesy to tell your roommate... who is also your BEST FRIEND, that you're moving out before you just go do it."

"I told Jonathan you were gonna overreact. He knew you were jealous of us.", she shook her head.


I have never spoke to Nala that way, but I am too grown to let a dense girl try to manipulate me into feeling like i'm wrong about being thrown off by her not telling me.

"You always say you don't need a man, but at the end of the day, you wouldn't care at all if you had man that loved you enough to get an apartment with you."

"Girl you sound dumb as fuck. You wanna run off with the boy you cry about every other fucking week, then do that. It's just the fact that you should've TOLD ME before the day you planned on moving out."

Nala grabbed her bag that she had previously packed and stomped out the room, slamming the door behind her.

It's too early for this shit.

I pulled my legs back into my bed and pulled the covers over me. Soon I was sleeping peacefully
again, not worried about a thing.

I clicked on my phone to check the time.

12:34 pm

I unlocked my phone and went on instagram to watch some reels.

To my surprise, I have 18 texts, from people sending me Nala's story asking what happened.

This childish bitch-

Apparently Nala had went on instagram ranting
about how she can 'never trust anybody to be her friend' and how 'even her best friend is jealous of her and unsupportive.' and that 'bitches just mad cause they ain't got no dick in a while.'

I had been Nala's friend for years, so I should've known the second we got into an argument, she would go on social media trying to blow the whole thing out of proportion and make people feel sorry for her.  My grandmother had always warned me about her, because she's always been boy crazy and dick pressed. Girl booo!

Authors Note
These first few chapters have just been a little something to kickstart off the story, and to introduce the characters, and to get the main characters to run into each other. Nala and Kaia falling out so soon, might not make any sense right now, but trust me it's all gonna come together in the end ! The next chapter is gonna include a time jump, so I hope y'all enjoy it.

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