Rules for judges.

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Hi again...

So now it's time for the rules of judges any of you can be a judge you just need to have knowledge about grammar.

Note: There is no place for bribing, buttering here. If I find any of you doing that you will be disqualified immediately


1) You have to follow host thats me.

2) You have to add this story in your reading list, no matter private or public. It's so that you can be updated about the story.

3) You have to inform me if any of the participants is trying to bribe you.

4) You can't be based with any of the author. Because everyone here has equal place. If you are judging one of your favourite authors book and there are some mistakes you can't let it go.

5) You have to strict with the judging. You can't feel sympathetic to any of them.

6) Make sure to look on some points that's the over all plot, grammatical mistakes, what the author is trying to say, is the story going in a good phase of is it rushed or too slow.

7) Make sure the story is going on a line or not.

8) While filling the form you have to put password so I can know you had read the whole rules. Without password the form won't be selected.

9) Tag atleast 5 people you think will like to participate in the judging process.

10)Make sure to put #taekookffworld in any of your story.

Password: CUTIE.

That's it. For the judges, if you have any questions you can ask me anytime.

Let's meet in the Genres where you can participate. Till then, take care, bye bye.


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