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Natty you're not broken.

The words rang through Natasha's head, ripping her from her thoughts.

These words weren't hers though.


You were reading my mind?

I wanted to know if you were okay.

We're all worried about you.

Even Loki.

The person who uses the nerd emoji more than the word ' the ' ?


Im sorry.
Im so sorry
I don't want to put you through this again

Natty, I've been sitting outside your door for three hours, if I didn't want to deal with this, i'd have left when the others did.

Besides, theres noone in the world I care about more than you

Except maybe Pietro, but thats a given

Natasha didnt know why she giggled at this, maybe it was just because she hadn't heared a voice for awhile that wasnt ranting about how she's disgusting or weird or subpar.

She slowly got up and approached the door, but instead of opening it, she leaned against it and let herself slide down, untill she was sitting, mirroring Wanda on the other side of the door.

" You are the person I care about most too, Wands." Natasha croaked, her voice sore from three hours of straight sobbing.

" I just dont know what to do."

" My world is breaking. Everything I've built, everything I've become, and now it's all shattered."

A tear ran down the Russian's cheek, mirrored on the other side by the heartbroken Sokovian.

" I know it's scary, trust me." Wanda said.

" When I came out, my parents sat me down, and they told me that I cant tell anybody."

" They told me I could get killed."

" So I kept my mouth shut. I kept up a normal amount of boyfriends, as to not draw suspision. Cause I knew all it took was a rumor."

" One rumor and my parents wake to an empty bed."

" But then i came here."

" I remember entering a store, I remember seeing a rainbow flag, and I remember asking the shopkeeper what it meant. He told me it was a pride flag."

" He told me it was for girls who liked girls, and boys who liked boys, and those who werent either, and those who like both or none."

" And I cried."

" I cried because for the first time, who I was was not a liability."

" For the first time I didn't have to hide who I was just to be able to live."

" For the first time, I wasn't wrong."

At this point both girls were crying.

" I'm so sorry," the Russian said, " my thing seems so petty compared to yours."

" Natty, Iv'e heard what they're saying about you, it's not petty." Wanda replied quickly.

A minute of silence streached on as both girls searched for what to say.

" Those people Nat, they're idiots. You can't listen to them. You are the best person I know, and noone is more deserving of being an avenger than you."

" C -can you stay Wanda? Please?" The Russian asked.

" Of course Nat." The Sokovian smiled.

Both girls fell asleep leaning against the door, never having felt more accepted in their entire life.

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