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Natasha has never woken up in the arms of somebody else before.
At least, not anyone she really cared about.

The feeling was spectacular.
Natasha was encased in a soft warmth, making her whole body happy.
Wanda's hair had fallen over the Russian's face, like a soft curtain protecting her as she nuzzled into her neck.
Her scent flooded her sences, instantly calming her down.
Wanda's chest rose and fell softly, her gentle breaths almost completely silent ,but the Russian picked up on it.

Natahsa couldnt imagine a single other place she'd rather be.
She wanted to stay here forever, to be able to just melt into this woman and never leave this bed.

Natasha felt safe.
She felt that no matter what happened, as long as she could end up here with Wanda, she'd be happy.
She nuzzled depper into her neck, softly wraping an arm around her, causing Wanda to let out a gentle hum and smile softly in her sleep.
This sound made Natasha's heart explode.
She had never heard anything so adorable.

The sun began to rise outside, turning the sky a dark pink that gradually grew lighter.

Wanda began to softly stir, opening her eyes and grinning at the sight of the Russian buried into her neck.

" Comfy?" She asked softly.

"Mhm" Natasha hummed, her reply tickling Wanda's neck.

Neither girl wanted this moment to end.
Neither wanted to bring up what happened last night.
But Wanda knew she had to.

" How are you feeling?" She asked as gently as possible.

" Comfy." Natasha mumbled into her neck.

Wanda grinned at this.

" I didn't take you for a cuddler." She teased gently.

" you're comfy." Natasha simply replied.

" Does this make you feel better?" She asked softly.

" Yes." Natasha replied instantly.
This drew a soft chuckle from Wanda.

Wanda wondered wether she had heard her or not last night.
Her eyes widened as she remembered what she said last.

I love you

Wanda cursed her past self silently.
She had to check.

" So, how did you sleep last night?" Wanda decided to ask gently.

" I think I died in your arms last night." Natasha replied, drawing a bright grin from Wanda.

" Must've been something I said, eh?" Wanda continued, trying to get some kind of awnser.

" While words can kill... I don't think thats what did it last night." Natasha replied, hesitenly pulling her head to look into bright eyes.

" I think just you being there... that... that was enough." Wanda could see in her eyes she meant everything she said.

" I'm always here Natasha, even if I'm not standing beside you I'm just a thought away. And if it helps... I can be here more often when nights get rough."
Wanda proposed nervously.

" Damn, you know days are also kind of tough, maybe it would be easier if you just... stayed with me all the time?"
Natasha half joked.

Wanda smiled.
" of course."

Natasha smiled too, a memory still ringing through her head.

I love you

I'm sorry it's been awhile since I updated this.
For those of you who also read the wandanat oneshots book I'm writing you'll know Iv'e been trying to quit cutting.

Well... I relapsed.
Pretty fucking bad.
I uh... I almost died.

Also that adorable enby that I have a crush on that I mentioned before stopped messaging me. :(
They probrably hate me now.

So I'm just gonna down every pill bottle in sight, laugh until I can't breath, and keep writing shit.

If I cant have happiness, Il'l just overdose on antidepressants.

As always, thanks for reading maties.
- Gay Peice of Shit

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