Chapter 2

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"Minho hyung~" jisung moaned as minhos hand felt his way up and down jisungs waist. Jisung bit his lip as he wrapped his legs around minhos naked waist.

Minho sucked on jisung neck as jisungs whimpered his hands roamed around minhos hair. "Your so pretty" Minho whispered in jisungs ear. Causing jisung to let out a breathy moan.

Minho pulled on the waist band of jisung pj bottoms.

"Take them off" Minho whispered as he licked jisungs earlobe.


Jisungs eyes opened his face burning 'did I really just dream about that' he thought embarrassed.

"What the fuck" he whispered.

"What" jisung shot his head towards the bed to see Minho awake staring at him.

"Nothing" he looked next to Minho to see jia still asleep. "I'm gonna go make food" jisung said rushing out of the room.

10 minutes earlier

Minho opened his eyes grabbing his phone seeing it was only 8 in the morning he saw both jia and jisung still asleep.

He was just scrolling on his phone until he heard whimpers coming from jisung. He looked down at the boy he knew those were sexual whimpers not scared whimpers. He watched amused until he saw jisung sit up.

"What the fuck" he heard jisung say.

"What" Minho spoke up watching jisung turn to him looking like a dear that's been caught in headlights.

Time skip

Later that day Minho had already gone home and jia and jisung were just hanging out until jia had got a text from Minho saying hyunjin was throwing a party at his house. So jia decided to go and of course was dragging jisung along.

So they are currently getting ready. Jia had on the tiniest dress practically showing everything. Jisung had on white pants along with a white shirt with a baggy blue cardigan vest over with blue high top converse.

"How do I look" jia asked. Jisung smiled.

"Beautiful as always"

"Aww thanks jisungie you looked great to" she smiled. Then jias phone went off.

"Minhos here let's go" Jia and jisung walked out to see Minho standing out side his car. And god Damm did he look good.

He was only wearing a simple black hoodie with wings on it black jeans and high top converse but it was Minho he made it look so good.

Minho on the other hand was eyeing jisung and how adorable and innocent he looked 'oh how I would love to see him under me half naked' Minho thought he then looked at jia and how slutty she looked. Jia grabbed Minho kissing him hard before saying hi.

They got in the car and headed towards the house.

When they got there jisungs eyes widened there was a lot of people and his anxiety surly wasn't calm right now not to mention how big hyujins how was.

Music was blasting from inside the house. As jia and Minho walked Minho had his arm around her waist with his free hand he stuck it behind him to jisung who was walking behind them he gladly took because of how shaky he was and held minhos hand without jia noticing. When they got in they all walked to minhos friends who we're fortunately all together.

At this time Minho took the time to formally introduce jisung to all his friends considering they never really talked before.

After being introduced felix grabbed jisungs hand and lead him to the couch they were sitting at.

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