Chapter 2

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" mr uzamaki , your coffee "

Naruto took the coffee from her and took a sip of it

" what is this supposed to be "

The blonde girl looked taken back

" your coffee sir "

" where is the lavender "

" b but sir you this is what you always drink "

" shion you know well that is not what I drink you have 5 minutes to change it before I fire you " he said throwing the cup of coffee into her hands before he walked away into the elevator

Kami my assistant can't get anything right

Naruto got set into his office , he went through some stocks on his computer

" sir it's me shion I have your coffee "

" good come in " the woman came in and placed the coffee onto his desk

" so " she said trying to start a conversation

" get out " he said not looking anywhere but his computer

She knew not to provoke him he is always like this before he gets his morning coffee she bit her tongue and stormed out of his office

Naruto took a sit of his coffee and instantly relaxed , he took out a tray of pills from his desk drawer and popped two of them

Lavender relaxers he had been prescribed them for years now they prevent him from getting panic attacks and the urge to drink

" sir mr uchiha is here "

" send him in konohamaru "

Konohamaru sarutobi Naruto's second in command his grandfather used to own one of the best corporations in the world before he passed away unfortunately the corporation went bankrupt konohamaru has a dream to build his own corporation and naruto admired that he once had a dream too


" naruto "

" sasuke " he smirked

" so how have you been "

" same shit different day " Naruto said before lighting up a cigarette he had been extra anxious today when he woke up today for some reason

" does aunt kushina know you smoke , she would have a heart attack "

" no and she won't find out either , plus I only smoke when I'm extra anxious "

" hn , anyways down to business "

The two talked business they were planning to invest into building a big hotel together as an alliance between the two companies

" that sounds good we can talk layout's and architects the next day "

Naruto pressed down onto a button on his desk before talking into it

" shion bring me two coffee's and don't mix up my coffee again remember what I told you "

" yes sir "

" mixing up your own coffee wow I dont even know why you keep her around she is useless "

" ya I don't know either she's striking on my last nerve " the blonde said scratching his head

" is it because she looks like hin"

" sasuke , don't go there " he looked up coldly

Sasuke simply nodded he knew well not to start on him he wouldn't want him to throw a tantrum like the last time

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