1) Lilith

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I could feel his eyes piercing through my back with every step I took and I was getting uncomfortable by it. I stopped on my tracks as I looked back at him only to meet with his brown eyes already settled on my face. There was something evil in his eyes that I couldn't figure out since the day i met him.

"Would you mind if we go to the nearby cafe and have a talk?" I spoke after collecting the courage.

"No, Ms Miller." He muttered, making my teeth clench.

I nodded my head at his words and continued walking. I didn't like him. But would that change anything? Hell No. He was my client and I had to treat him like one. No discrimination.
I opened the door to the cafe and he followed me inside. I stopped a particular table beside the window. The man beside me was about the pull the chair for me

"Thanks, Mr Kane but I can do that myself." I stopped him and he backed off, sitting on the chair in front of me.

I removed my black robe as I placed it neatly on the chair head. I didn't miss the way he was checking me out while sipping on the coffee he ordered. He was basically eye-fucking me. His eyes roamed around my body shamelessly like he would fuck me if got the chance.

And this never stopped since 20 days. Since the day he hired me as his lawyer. He didn't tried to touch me but the way he always looked at me was creepy. Very creepy.

"I am not going to beat around the bush" I announced after settling myself. His spine went erect as he listened to me carefully. "I don't think you have told me everything. Did you?" I finished speaking.

The man went stiff with his eyes narrowed at me. He caressed the scar on his jaw, just below his lips. It was one of the things he did when he was nervous. I wasn't going to ask this question but his actions led me.

They way he stuttered while cross examining earlier in the courtroom made me doubt him. A lawyer should not doubt his client, however I did.

"Of course not. I already gave you all the details of the incident. I am not hiding something." He answered while running a hand through his hair.

I suppressed the chuckle which was about to escape. Him caressing his jaw, running a hand through his hair and the subtle fear in his eyes were enough signs to conclude that he was nervous.

"I hope not. However if you do, I can't help but loose this case. We want justice for you and your friends. Right?" I sipped on my americano as I examined his expressions.

I loved to figure out what other people were thinking. Right now he was afraid. And angry.

"Don't talk about loosing. I have told you everything and now its your duty to make me win." His jaw was clenched and his tone was harsh.

"Its not my duty Mr. Kane. Its my job. Be careful with your words" It was never my obligation to win any case.

It was my job. I won if wanted to and I'd willingly lose. However me loosing a case, that day never came.

"Come on, don't talk like I didn't pay you enough" He leaned back on his chair.

He really thought it was all about money? Dumbfuck he was. Me becoming a criminal lawyer was not to earn income. It was something more deep. More dangerous.

I took a last sip of my drink and I stood up, ready to leave. I wasn't used to having conversations with dumb people. He thought that I didn't know shit. I was still not convinced that he told me everything.

Why would he get nervous if he was not hiding something? If he was telling me the truth, I would pour my blood and sweat in winning this case as usual. And if he was not, then I'd willingly lose this case for the first time. None of it will affect me. I was fine either way.

"See you tomorrow Mr kane. Though your order was shit but still thanks for the coffee" I spared him one last glance and walked out of the cafe.

I reached to where my car was parked. I stopped on my tracks as soon as I spotted a buzz-cut headed man standing in front of my car. What the hell was he doing here?

"Darcel" I called his name as he stepped towards me.

He stood in front of me, looking down at me. It almost made me want to step back but I held back. I couldn't afford to look weak in front of my opponent.

So I maintained my position with my back straight as I looked above, directly in his eyes which were filled with mischief.

"You will lose this case. I will make sure of it" He said, well threatened. Before I could respond, he walked past me.

I looked back only to see a black Mercedes as Darcel settled inside. I narrowed my eyes, noticing a male figure with black glasses looking in my direction.
Particularly at me.

I swear I saw a smirk on his lips before he drove off with the little Donavan.

I stood there with my heart rate increasing per second. Was ít really him? I hurriedly opened the door of my car as I settled inside.

Releasing a shaky breath which I have been holding for past 2 minutes, I leaned on the seat. I was getting sure each passing second that it was him. Arnold fucking Donavan. The figure who controls the American mafia.

No matter how much of a bitch I was or how much confidence I carried but the Donavans were considered to be ruthless. Their aura was different, hundred times darker than the normal criminals I deal with on daily basis. And this time I got myself involved with them.

Fuck that motherfucking Kane for choosing me as his advocate.

I took a deep breath, letting myself to be calm for once since I was assigned with this case. It was the most twisted case for me because I was having trust issues with my client.

I didn't know if i was being delusional but I was definitely going to find if Kane was hiding something from me. And my guts were telling me that he did.

That man dragged Darcel Donavan who was basically the youngest child of the Donavans in the court for murdering his friends. Kane said that Darcel burned the house in which he and his friends were staying. But Kane escaped and all his friends were murdered.

However, there was one thing that was itching my whole body. Mafias didn't just kill anyone without any reason. There must be a reason Darcel burned the house down. Either the reason can be small or big. I just needed to dig into it.

I started the car finally after coming out of my thoughts. Fuck this, I was already involved with the biggest crime family in the whole world. I just needed to deal with it carefully and confidently. I vowed to myself that I would not get intimidated by them especially the head- Arnold.

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