5) Lilith

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His grip on my arm was tight. Very tight. It was hard to free myself from him. I told myself that I would escape. I did fucking tried but nothing worked. It was not supposed to go like this. "Leave me." Despite my protest, he didn't leave me. My feet were not sticking onto the floor, he was dragging me into the elevator without any friction. I took a support of the wall corner as I pushed him hard. Fucker didn't even budge however his hold loosened a little. I stepped away from him and my back bumped into the door of the elevator. I didn't have much faith in god but please Jesus let me go away from this man. I breathe hard while I watched him stepping towards me.
"Don't scream. There will be consequences." He warned the second before he threw me over his shoulders. Every cell in my body tensed when his one hand touched my ass.

"Get your hands off me." I warned pretending I had any power above him. Fuck me. Fuck everything. I kicked my legs in the air, hoping they could touch his face with a force.

His hands tightened around my body while he moved at a fast pace. He just wouldn't let me go. In a next few seconds, everything came still and I was thrown in a car. My head hit something soft as he placed me in the front seat. I watched his moments while he bent down and buckled my seat belt in a swift motion.

"Fuck you." I whispered with a little gap between the two words.

"Oh really?" He spoke with a hint of amusement in his voice as well as his eyes.

I took a deep breath. The heavy feeling in my chest was not going away since yesterday. I still remembered how my eyes were almost filled with tears after hearing his harsh words. After realising there was no way i was going to escape this hell hole. After getting a sad reality check. After being made aware of that I was staying with him until the whole case was over and moreover in his favour. The last time a man had this much of power over me was years ago. Many fucking years ago.

I was feeling like I lost. And I knew I had to in order to make his brother win. The goddamn pain in my heart was still there. The pain, not in my chest but heart. It was like someone was just squeezing my heart constantly not the layers of skin. Just that organ. I gulped the lump in my throat as I opened my eyes and saw the buildings moving past me. I didn't even know when he started driving. I looked over to his face and noticed his jaw clenched and his tattooed hands clutching onto the staring wheel tightly.
Conclusion - he looked mad. I thought I had the right to do so.
Fuck him.
My mind instantly filled with his earlier reply to my "fuck you".  Now, I couldn't even say that word without remembering his reply.

"Did you eat?" His sudden voice echoed in my ears. Did he really just ask that? Why was he even pretending to care? I turned my head to the window without even bothering to reply his question. The last thing I wanted to do was talk to him.

After a few minutes, the car abruptly stopped and he stepped out of it, slamming the door behind. I watched him going into a shop. A food shop particular. Was he abandoning me? Because the possibility of getting me food was negligible. Unknowingly, my eyes stayed on the entrance of the shop until he appeared with a bag hanging from his hands. Shit. Though, it was negligible but not zero.

"Eat or throw it out of the window. Your choice." He sat while he threw the bag over my lap. My eyes stayed on his face as he looked at me, probably feeling the gaze on him. I immediately broke the eye contact and I looked outside. I didn't know his purpose behind buying me some tacos. But I was definitely not eating those. Nor I was going to throw them out of the window. Wasting food was a sin.
I placed the bag on the counter beside my new bed. My new bedroom as per the Donavan brothers said. I had no idea when my things were going to reach me in this new place, in Arnold's house. The thought of living under the same roof as him was making my stomach sick and eventually my appetite vanish.

My mind was all roaming around the deal we made at my house. And I agreed because I thought I would kill him right there after letting down his guard. However, it didn't go as planned. I wanted to know about the reason behind Darcel's murder. And everything related to it. The whole Kane versus Darcel thing was tiring because at some points I was not sure if my own client was honest or not.

I already accepted the deal by asking a billion dollars that was just to make him go bankrupt. Money was not what I actually needed. It was the thing that I would tell him at the end of the deal. That was more important. Maybe this could actually work. He would get his benefit through me and I would get something that I wanted since years through him. But mafias couldn't be trusted. The thought made my knees weak as I realised he could literally kill me anytime. I was surrounded by him from every corner. There was no escape. None. He would find me even if I tried.
Looked like, I just had to make his brother free of charges and hope he would actually do what he meant.
I would do everything I could to make him complete his part of the deal even if it meant joining hands with him.

I walked out of the room and I saw the both brothers sitting on the dining table. I needed the answers in order to make him win. And thats what I was going to do.
Lets get with this.
"I want to have a talk with both of you." I announced as both of their gaze snapped towards me.

"Are we talking now, sweetheart?." He smirked. It was the second time he called me that cringe name. The way his tongue rolled while he called me sweetheart made my stomach churn. He gestured me to sit and I chose to sit as far as possible, away from him.

"Did you really kill Kane's friends?" I asked my question to Darcel and he nodded while sipping his whiskey, not even showing a hint of remorse.


His eyes darkened and he looked at me as if he could kill me right now. "They almost gang raped my woman. And yes including your client. I don't know how that fucker survived." His answer made me speechless.

"Are you telling the truth?" I asked what immediately came to my mind. A fake laugh erupted from his mouth.

"Do you really think I would care to kill some random ordinary men just because I am a assassin ? Do you think i have time for that shit?" He looked really pissed off. He was kind of right. Mafias don't have enough time for random kill. But I didn't trust him still. I had trust issues. Real ones.

I watched Arnold, the person I completely ignored till now, doing something with the laptop and then he gave the laptop to his younger brother. In a next few seconds of Darcel pushing some buttons on the device, he placed the screen in front of me. A not-so-good-quality video played in front of me and my heart stopped beating as my eyes registered each and every scene played in the video.

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