2) Lilith

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I filled in the passcode of my apartment. As soon as I opened the door, I heard a barking sound and I noticed my doberman running towards me with full speed. I bent down as she jumped on me with great force, making me fall backwards on the ground. Sometimes, I believe if it was me who spoils her with my love or was it actually her job? I felt wetness on my face. She was licking me.

"Calm down, Zedla" I pushed her face away so that I could get myself some oxygen. And she looked at me with her shiny eyes. Who knew she would become this special to me.

I stood up from the ground as I patted her back. She followed me to the kitchen, wiggling her tail. I was about to get myself some cold water, when I noticed a note stuck on the fridge. I took the paper as I read the words written on it.

I was not able to take Zedla out on a walk today due to some emergency. I am sorry.

This was the reason Zedla was overexcited seeing me. She wanted me to take her on a walk. I gazed at her and my lips formed into a smile. She was an adorable dog.

"Do you want to go on a walk?" I asked her and she let out a loud bark as if she understood what I meant.

"Give me 5 minutes to change. Don't you dare to follow me" I warned her but she did follow me. Heck. She went into the room faster than me. I chuckled seeing her sitting on my bed. Her bed basically. I hummed when I changed into something comfortable. My work attire was excruciating though hot.

Tying Zedla with the leash, I guided her out of the house, locking the door afterwards. I stepped into elevator, carrying a small bag filled with my dog's toys and I reached the ground floor in no time.

New York was beautiful during the night time. However, the dark alleys I just passed through were the exact opposite. Not many people knew how many crimes were committed with monsters sprawling everywhere in these thin and abandoned alleys.

I noticed Zedla who was peacefully walking beside me with her head up-high. My stomach growled suddenly, from hunger probably. I didn't have anything except coffee for lunch. The whole Kane-and-darcel meeting made my appetite loose. Thanks to those motherfuckers.

I looked at my surroundings in hope to find a light meal so that my hunger could go away. I spotted a food truck from my far vision as I increased my pace towards it, not forgetting my bitch ofcourse.

I bought myself the smallest hotdog that the food truck sold. I was still not in the mood to eat. I didn't eat according to my hunger. I ate according to my mood. Zedla barked and a few people beside me flinched because of her loud bark. She jumped on me, wanting the food I was holding.

"No no. You already ate. This is for me." I held her hands and planted a kiss on the top of her head. I grabbed her leash and after walking a few more minutes, I entered my apartment building. I sat on the bench in the park which was located in front of the huge building.

I freed Zedla from the leash as she ran across the garden with her toys. Bitch was faster than a bullet train. I took a first bite of the hotdog while watching her playing and running around. I looked above, at the sky which was shining because of the amount of stars it held. I wondered if my mother was one of them. She always talked about how people turn into stars when they became breathless. She was a sky lover unlike me.

I lowered my gaze and a hint of light through an apartment's glass window flashed in front of my eyes. I  turned all the lights off before going out. Someone was definitely in my goddamn house.
Fucking shit.

I dropped the food on the bench as I called out Zedla's name. She came running towards me and I fastened my steps towards the elevator. As soon as I reached the door of my apartment. I held my one the most dangerous weapon before me- Zedla. I opened the door, my heartbeat rising each passing second.

"You are a fast runner." A deep voice spoke. My chest immediately tightened after seeing the owner of the voice. He was leaning on the wall with a glass of water in his hands which I left earlier. He gazed at me with his dark brown orbs with that same smirk on his lips, dressed in a white satin shirt along with black pants. Arnold Donavan himself was here.

My hand clenched into fist as I dropped the rope which was holding the barking Zedla biting his skin off. A doberman was known for its loyalty and fearless nature. Before she could do so he held her mouth with his bare hand and kicked her. My heart came up to my throat but I relaxed as soon as Zedla stood again. In a split second, Arnold took out the gun from his waistband. No no no. My eyes widened as I took a step.

"One more step and I will shoot your dog." His eyes snapped to me as he warned and I immediately called out her name.

"Come here." I gestured and she patiently sat between my legs. She was the only one I had and letting someone shoot her was not on my list.

"Why are you here?" I finally spoke while analysing his movements. He moved across me and sat on the couch, his back leaned as if he didn't not just broke into someone's house. His face devoid of any expression and those brown eyes which held no room for light, scanned me from my face to feet respectively.

"So you know me. I am impressed I must say." He said that like he was totally a normal man.

"Thats what my job is about, Mr Donavan. To keep punish criminals like you." I scoffed, patting my pet in the process so she won't feel terrorised by the monster in front of us.

"There is no criminal like me. I am the biggest one. Don't look down on me, hurts my ego." He said in an accent which was half American and half Italian.

"I am glad then." I muttered, trying to hide my hate towards him through my voice. And the subtle fear I was feeling.

"You got a sharp tongue for that pretty face." He caressed his jaw with his thumb. I noticed multiple rings on his big hands and some tattoos here and there. He could easily choke me to death with his giant hands but he wouldn't. He didn't want any other murder. He was already done with one considering how desperate he was to meet me.

"What do you want?" I glared at the man who was absolutely looking carefree. In contrast, my tone being most polite and professional as ever. He leaned ahead with his hands clasped on his knees as his gaze intensified on me.

"Hmm." He pretended to think. "You." He finished with one word which made me chuckle but at the same time shiver. Me did he say. He could never have me.

"Why are you really here? I guess to kidnap me or to kill me considering I can put your brother behind the bars for the crime had done" I guessed the possibilities.

"Neither one. However, it will be the former if you protest and it will be the latter one if you extra-protest So choose what suits you best." He inclined his head to the side while he blinked with his thick lashes. My heart sank thinking if he would really do that.
Ofcourse he will.
Mafias might seem to joke at first although once you knew they were not, its over for you. Thats what I have learned all the years I had been living.

"Why? Is the big bad mafia petrified?" I teased suddenly confidence rising within me. I swear I saw a muscle in his jaw twitch before he stood up. That surely hit the right nerve.

He took slow and long steps towards me. If someone's eyes could kill, I would already be dead. Thats how sharpened his gaze was. The distance between us shortened with his every step. I refused to step back, not going to let him intimidate me. Because once these men realise that they were intimidating the other person, they try to scare you more. Making you feel powerless.

I blinked and he was standing just two inches away from me. I stepped ahead and raised my chin, converting those two-inches into one inch. That took a lot of power considering how my heart was pacing at its fastest speed possible and my every part of my body felt like melting. I looked him in the eyes and there was some sought of change of emotion in his eyes but it was gone before I recognised it.

He suddenly leaned his face closer to mine, his breath falling over my lips and something beneath my skin buzzed. Probably disgust. I was about to step back when he spoke "Enough for the talk, you are coming with me. I don't give a fuck if you consider this as kidnapping." He whispered with his both hands in the pockets.

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