23. Cluster A

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Cluster A – Eccentric, Odd
People with these disorders exhibit behavior that others perceive as strange or erratic. These unusual behaviors lead to social difficulties. The disorders in Cluster A are:

Paranoid Personality Disorder: People with this disorder have difficulty trusting others, even without any reasonable suspicion. They may hold grudges for long times, refuse to confide in others, and perceive mundane remarks as slights against them.

Schizotypal Personality Disorder: Patients with this disorder often hear voices, believe everyday occurrences are really hidden messages for them, and believe that their thoughts can influence people and events in their lives. They may also feel uncomfortable with close personal relationships.

Schizoid Personality Disorder: This disorder makes people reluctant to be around others, making them seem cold and unapproachable to others. People with schizoid personality disorder cannot pick up on social cues, find happiness in everyday activities, or express emotion.
In 2019 it was determined that approximately 3.8% of the global population had a cluster A .Only a mental health professional can accurately diagnose a cluster A personality disorder, because these conditions go beyond a specific set of simple behaviors or attitudes.

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