Chapter 1

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Year 1950 ~ A young boy by the name of Micheal was born into this world. He was just a small boy and he already had big shoes to fill.

Year 1960 ~ Ever since Micheal was seven, his father would wake him up right before the sun would rise and the two of them would start their day with a jog, just father and son. Micheal's mother would be in the kitchen just finishing breakfast when the two boys would walk up the cracked and bruised driveway before taking the stone steps up to the light brown oak door, turning the nob, and entering the house.

They would sit down at the table and talk through everything they would like to accomplish that day. Micheal's mother would work on the garden before she and Micheal would go through school lessons. Micheal's father was to be with Micheal in the backyard teaching him skills that he learned throughout his life.

When the time came around for Micheal to learn the skills his father had learned, they would always start off with the basic stretches and warm-ups before starting the lesson.

While Training Micheal would often ask his father for stories from his past, as his father always had interesting stories to share, as he was a veteran soldier that fought in the second world war.

"Dad." Micheal asked one day, "Tell me the story of how you met Uncle Bucky again, please?" That was one of Micheal's favourite stories. Though he had never met this Uncle Bucky his father always talked mentioned, the twinkle in his father's eyes when he spoke about this man made him love the story of his uncle, he only wished he could have met him.

Year 1968 ~ Micheal woke up early as any day, before putting on his navy blue running shorts and a crimson red running top and slipping on his worn-out running shoes before meeting up with his father in the living room ready for their morning run.

As the years came and went, he found out who his father was and who he was. His father had been fighting in battles longer than any person should have. He had gone from one fight to the next.

Micheal looked up at the blond-haired man with pride. But he knew deep down that he would never live up to the legacy of his father, the legacy of Captain America. From time to time his father would call him Americas Son, as that is who he is, Captain Americas Son.

He even got to see his father's old shield, though broken, and worn out due to the battles that have been fought with it, its story and history were what Micheal admired. Sometimes if time allowed, they would work on making it whole again.

"How was your run?" Mama asked as dad and I walked over the threshold into the house. Mama was in the kitchen already making dad and me some breakfast.

"Really good," I walked over to the kitchen to see that mama was making pancakes, "I bet again." I slide a nice warm pancake onto my hand before starting to make my way out of the kitchen. As I neared the door to my room, I hear dad speak in nearly a whinging tone saying that He let me bet him.

I closed the door to my room and pulled off the clothes I was wearing, before finding one of my dad's old shirts from his days as a SHIELD agent and slipping it on over my head. It was a dark midnight blue colour with a white star in the top middle of the shirt with three straight liens that ran out from the star.

I didn't hear the door to my room open, but I saw the blue jacket getting thrown onto my bed. Looking up, I saw my dad there in the doorway with a smile on his face. He was dressed in a light blue shirt and some sweatpants. "I found the jacket the other day and thought you might like it."

I picked up the blue jacket and threaded my arm through the sleeves before zipping it up, "Is there any story that comes with the jacket?" I asked hoping for an answer.

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