Chapter 4

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So here I was, walking out of my room in a shield training top and shorts. The ground was cold beneath my feet. I found my shoes all broken and covered in ash. Phil told me that I needed to get new shoes, but I didn't want to, it reminded me of home, so Phil got them to get clean.

Phil was taking me to Fury to give him a brief rundown of my story so he could keep it in mind. I didn't tell him much, just that, my father traveled back in time and lived a happy life with my mother and then they had me. I know I could trust both of them with this information as my father did.

Phil returned back to me as I watched some of the soon-to-be Avengers walk around the room. A redhead who I guessed could be Natasha, was over by a computer talking to a shield agent as a photo of who looked to be Clint showed up on it. Over to the side sat a very nervous-looking Doctor Banner, his fingers were laced together, and his eyes kept bouncing around the room taking in every detail, much like me. And standing on the edge of the balcony looking out into the sky in front, was my dad. He was younger but it was an easy match, his broad shoulders matched mine as well as the bond hair, it wasn't hard to tell we were related.

Phil turned away from Fury and slowly walked over to me with a thumb up. When he was closer, he leaned down and face me, "You are going to be hanging out with the Avengers."

I didn't know whether to be happy or not, I know who they are to face, and the battles my dad described all sounded hard, and if I couldn't even stop a burning and raging fire, how was I to defeat a being that is from out of this world, literally. Fury allowed me to stay in the room I woke up in, he also sent for everything I was wearing when he found me, to be cleaned and ash free.

I was now in my room, pulling out everything from my little backpack, that I would need. I ended up with the shield back holder, the blue jacket my father gave me, and the compass. I pulled my jacket up over my shoulders and zipped the jacket up all the way.

A knock on the door startled me, I didn't expect someone to come looking for me. I moved towards the door and pulled it open. There on the other side stood a younger version of my father. "Hey, I was told to come and get you. We have a lead on Loki." It took all my strength to not run to him and wrap my arms around him. I missed my father.

I turned back into my room and pulled my shield back holder-like thing over my shoulders and clipped it in, before grabbing my compass and slipping it into the pockets in the jacket. Before walking out of the room, I picked up my shield and looked towards da- Steve. "Ready."


Steve and I walked out onto the tarmac with the rest of the team behind us as suited up and ready to fight. As we entered the jet, Natasha, and a random SHIELD again I didn't know, walked towards the controls of the ship, while I sat down next to Steve.

"I like the shield." I looked at the shield that I put down between my legs, then towards Steve. Steve has a smile on his face, and you could see he wanted to start up a conversation.

"Yeah, my dad looked up to you." His smile kind of faded a bit.

"How old are you?"

"19" He looked me up and down.

"Is your father Coulson?" I shook my head.

"My father fought in the same war you fought in, you saved him." His smile widened, and our conversation slowly faded.

Throughout our flight to Germany, I was thinking through all the fun memories of my parents that I had. The man who sat to the right of me may look like my dad, but he isn't, he most likely thinks that he would never be ready for a kid.

"Hey, you alright?" The voice was quiet and soft. It reminded me of the times my dad would make sure I was alright whenever I fell over. His hand would always run by back in a circular motion, telling me that it was alright and that whatever happened he would always be there for me, but he isn't, I need him now but where is he?

"Yeah." I could feel tears gathering in my eyes. "I just miss my dad. I don't even think I'm cut out of all of this." Steve opened his mouth and was about to speak when I cut him off, "And don't tell me to stop thinking like that. I have never fought someone who had tried to take over Earth. The biggest threat I ever faced was some people in a burning building and I still ended up unconscious within the first thirty seconds of meeting them." I clenched my fits so hard, trying not to let any tears slip down from my eyes.

He must have seen the tears in my eyes as He pulled me into him, my head rested on his shoulders as I buried my eyes in the crook of his neck. "Hey, shh, I'm sure your dad would be proud of where you got." While holding me, he rocked back and forwards, rubbing one of his hands up and down my back.

"Sorry to interrupt this father, son, like moment, but we are here." I pulled my head out of the crook in his neck and turned towards the voice. Natasha sat there, looking out of the big window in front of her.

"What is he up to, Romanoff?" Steve stood up from next to me and started to walk over to her. I didn't hear their conversation, as my eyes drifted down toward my shield.

I slowly got up and pulled my shield closer to me, I knew that I was going to have to go out there and help them out, but I still felt like a little boy, that was ready to run and hide at the first sight of a fight, nothing like my father, who would run straight into it. What got me feeling like this is thinking back to the building, I failed, really bad, I couldn't let that happen again. So, I picked up my shield with my right hand and swung it over my head and to my back, clicked it in place, and slowly made my way over to Natasha and Steve.

Steve nodded his head at something that Natasha said, before turning around and looking at me, "You want to help me bring him in?"

I nodded my head, holding back my worried look. Steve walked past me and towards the back of the ship with his shield in hand. I walked after him.

"Kid, I would sit this one out, I don't know why Fury had us bring you, but I would like to bring you back alive." I could hear the authority spilling out of her mouth. Steve had already jumped and now it was my turn, was I going to jump or stay here where is it safer?

"I'm no kid, I'm 19." And with that, I made my decision and jumped right out the back of the Jet.

Words: 1260

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