Chapter 5

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I landed shield first and rolled onto my feet. Dad made it look cool, but oh Merlin, did it hurt. I shook my head and started to look for Steve. Everyone was running in the opposite direction which made it hard to find him, but that changed once I saw his shield come flying in my direction.

I got my shield ready in position, and flanged it across the piazza, straight at Loki. My shield bounced off him and fell to the grown with a clank. His eyes looked towards me. The blue in his eyes felt like an endless void waiting to drown me.

His eyes made me freeze. I couldn't move my body as his eyes looked me up and down, sizing me up. "The Son of a Soldier."

My eyes opened wide, I never told anyone else. I shook my head, he probably just thought that I was the son of this Steve Rogers. My eyes looked back to where Loki was supposed to be, but he was gone, disappeared. Steve was slowly getting up and looking around, looking for Loki as well.

The hair on the back of my neck stood up on end as it came in contact with cold air, "You will become part of my army." His voice was a growl almost like a dog.

"Kid! Run!" Steve yelled across the piazza. I wanted to but I was stuck. One of his hands had a tight grip on my upper arm, while his other hand, out of nowhere, was holding a gold stick that shone blue towards the top of it. I tried to move, wiggle free from his grip, but it only made his fingertips dig in. His eyes danced with the devil as he moved the stick toward my chest. I closed my eyes shut waiting for it to stab me right through my chest.

There was a clank before I felt myself being pulled downwards towards the floor. I opened my eyes to see a familiar blue pair straight right back. "Kid, are you alright?" My eyes danced across the ground to find my shield lying not far from us, while Loki lent up against some stairs.

Like a set of gears, it clicked. Steve threw my shield to get Loki off of me. What if he read the writing on the inside? And pieced it together that I was his son? What if he never wants to see me again? Ever?

I could hear music that began to play, but I didn't care. I just let gravity pull my knees to the ground. The world around me went silent. I watched as Loki put his hands up and magically change clothes. Steve and this new guy, who only just appeared and wore a full iron suit armor, exchanged a couple of words.

With everything I have done today, I'm sure my dad would never be proud, I mean for Merlin's sake, I ran into a burning building without any second thought, and now both my mother and father are probably never going to see me again.

I pulled the dog tags my father gave me, out from under my shirt, and looked down at them. A teardrop landed down on the tag, over the last name, the same last name that I had inherited. Out of all the kids that could have been born, why me?

This was the first bed guy, and I didn't even punch him. I spent most of my life, trying to be ready for this moment, only to be humiliated by the villain. The only thing good about me is my last name, and even that shouldn't belong to me. I could never live up to my dad.

I could now feel the droplets of tears slowly snake their way down my cheeks. I was pulled out of my own world by the sound of a voice, Steve's. His voice only made the tears come quicker, as his voice made me remember my dad, and hearing his voice from a man that doesn't know me, hurt. I wanted to turn and hug him, crying into his shoulder while he rubbed circles on my back, telling me that everything was going to be alright, that he was here, and that he and my mother were not angry with me for running into that fire that I should get back up and try again, but I couldn't. I missed both my parents.

I turned to face Steve as he wiped the tears that had fallen from my eyes with his thumb, while his other hand found its way to my chin. He kept my chin up, making me look at him.

"Hey," His voice was quiet and soft, "What's wrong?" The way he asked, I could have told him anything, and know that he would still stand next to me, but I couldn't. I didn't want to take the chance.

Instead of telling him, I pulled him into a hug. I know it must be worrying, getting hugged by some person you have barely known for 12 hours. But instead of pulling away, he wrapped his arms around me, letting me rest my head into the crock of his neck. I could see Natasha and the guy that wore fully decked out in a red and gold iron suit, with Loki, in handcuffs, being pushed up the ramp of the ship.

"I just really miss my dad. I ran into a burning building, and I haven't seen him since, and Mum as well." I said it so quietly that I was sure that he had not heard it. But the little squeeze he gave told me he did.

"I miss my mother as well." In all the time I had asked, he had never wanted to talk about her. He always said that it brought back memories of life after her passing. I gave Steve a squeeze before slowly pulling out from the embrace. Steve's hands stopped on my shoulders, "You remind me of myself when I was younger, doing whatever I can to protect everyone, even if the bullies ended up giving me a black eye."

He helped me to my feet before handing me over my shield and helping me to walk back to the ship.


I found a square that was shaped into the wall of the ship, slowly pushed myself all the way in, and used my shield to block out the outside world. I didn't want to hide, but I also didn't want to face the people that stood outside of this square.

I pulled my knees up to my chest and rested my chin on them as I let the tears run free. Memories of my time with Dad started to play like a film, bringing a smile to my sad face.

I turned my head to the left, where my shield stood, I remember back to the time Dad gave it to me, how he trained me to use it. I pulled my finger up to the handwritten message that was imprinted onto the back in my father's handwriting. As a result of my putting pressure on the shield, it started to fall backward. I clenched my eyes shut, waiting for the loud noise that was sure to come, but it never came. 

Words: 1206

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