Chapter 3

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Once they arrived at the place at which they were positioned. They had Micheal put in a recovery room and had him bound down to the bed. They had stripped him down to just some shorts and a SHIELD shirt. The brown-haired woman was told to take the first shift in watching over him.

The woman's eyes kept bouncing between the leather uniform the kid was wearing when they found him and the dog tags that they kept around his neck. Seeing a kid that was probably not even in his twenties covered in ash and bound to a bed, she didn't want to admit it, but she felt the smallest bit of sadness for the kid. She looked over to the shield that was founded with him and the patch on the leather jacket, if he wasn't tied down to the bed and was about to be integrated, she would have introduced him to one of her teammates, Phil, who would have flipped at the chance to meet, maybe, another Captain American fan.

There was a ringing in my ears, I could hear my heart beating in my chest. My waist was bound down to something, and though I know I had the strength to break free, I needed to know that the people who were in the building were not there, so I stayed quiet for a bit.

I heard nothing and I already had a plan. Get up from whatever I was on, find my shield, and find the person in charge. I breathed in, my cheat still hurt but it was better than it was before. I started to count down in my head...






I pulled my arms up and heard the metal snap as I pulled my legs over the side of the object I was on, it appeared to be a bed, but I didn't have time to check. I jumped up and caught a glimpse of my shield. I was about to move towards it when there was a 'Click' sound.

I looked to see a woman in a skin-tight black jumps suit, with a gun in hand pointing it at my head. "How did you do that?" the woman demanded.

"Ma'am, please put down the gun." I slowly raised my hands, "I don't want anyone here to get hurt."

"How did you get out?" I woman asked again. I looked at her hand and saw that they were not shaking, she would pull the trigger without hesitation.

"Genes, I guess." I mean it wasn't a lie, I did get the strength from my dad.

She looked annoyed at my answer but moved on, "What's your name?"

I debated whether to tell her or not. But then I remembered my shield was in this room and she could have seen it on there, "Micheal."

"Are you with Loki?" Now that is a name I know. Loki is Thor's brother, why would someone want to know that if it's in the late sixties? He doesn't come to earth until 2012.

"How do you know Loki; he isn't supposed to be here?" I shouldn't have said that, but I can take it back now.

"So, you're with him? You helped him take the Tesseract?"

I was starting to get confused, "Loki doesn't take the Tesseract till 2012. It's 1969."

She looked shocked. She pulls out an object from her pocket, while her hand still held onto the gun, the object looked kind of like the phone my dad had from his time being in the future. "Look here, it's 2012." My eyes widened; how did I end up forty-three years in the future? "When were you born?"

"1950." I didn't know what else to say. Her grip on the gun softens a bit.

"How do you know that Loki was going to take the Tesseract if you are from 1969?"

"My dad, he is here in this timeline, but he doesn't know. He told me all the stories about the Avengers- "Her eyes widened.

"How does your dad know about the Avengers?"

I know Dad doesn't like it when anyone swears and it has rubbed off on me, but right now would be a perfect time for the 'Sh' word.

The door behind the woman opened, and a guy with an eye patch stepped through. My dad told me all about him, how this guy here is his boss. So, if he was here, that means I'm in SHIELD. "Your Nick Fury."

His eyes widened, "How do you know?" He turned and faced me.

"You're my dad's friend, or was, is, maybe." I stuttered over my words, was I saying too much?

"Who is your dad? Is he an agent?" The woman tightened her grip on the gun that was still aimed at my face, her finger laid loosely on the trigger.

I didn't want to speak, but I felt like if I didn't then I would be dead. Fury put his hand over the top of the gun and pushed it to the ground. "Hill, relax he's just a kid."

"I'm 19," I mumbled under my breath.

The doors behind them opened, yet again, to reveal a new face. This new face had a smile on his face and his eyes sparkled as he had just seen the one thing he had ever deemed of, "Boss, the Captain is here." His eyes drifted around the room, they lingered a bit on my shield and my dad's leather jacket, "You a fan of Captain America?"

I looked at him before giving him a small smile, in return, he gave me a big toothy smile. "How did you make the shield?" He started to walk over to it and picked it up and started to turn it around in his hands.

My smile fell. I wanted to run and snatch the shield out of his hands, but I knew that I would end up on the ground with blood in seconds.

I watched as his eyes widened before looking at me, "Are you- "he couldn't finish the sentence. He was looking at the inside of my shield.

"What wrong Agent Coulson?" Nick Fury like towards my shield, then towards me, before looking at Coulson.

"Nothing Sir." He placed my shield back down and turned to face the pair, "Captain Rogers would like to meet with you." Fury nodded his head, as a sign of understanding before exiting the room with Hill on his tale.

Coulson turned back to face me as soon as the door shut, "Do you actually share the same last name as Captain America?" I nodded my head, "do you by blood or just a coincidence?"

I remember how my dad used to talk about a guy named Coulson who looked up to him. If my dad could trust him, why can't I?

"By blood." He looked like a five-year-old who had just got the best present in the world, "Steve Rogers is my father."

His eyes opened wider than I have ever seen, "How? Are you from the future?"

I shook my head, "It's confusing."

"What do you mean?"

"It's a long story, and I bearly know half of it."

Words: 1161

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