Chapter 2

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Year 1969 ~ Micheal was in the backyard with his father. Ever since his eighteenth birthday, after a quick run, his father would teach him how to throw the shield, navigate by map, stars and compass, and any other key information that can help Micheal when he needs it if he is lost and can't find his way back.

After dinner, four times a week, Micheal would go out dressed in his dad's old leather jacket and pants, into the local town. Staying in the shadows so no one would see him. He would normally stay in alleys, knocking drunk men off of women as well as stopping any fights that broke out in the alleys, as well as the occasional break-in.

Micheal left home right after dinner as normal, with his compass in his pocket and his father's dog tags hanging from his neck, his shield strapped to his back over a little, thin backpack that had two spear changes of clothes and a first aid kit, before heading out and walking into the setting sun. When he reached the town, he would slip into the shadows and sit there, like a lion waiting for its prey.

Micheal was about to get up and make his way out of the alley he was in and to another one further into the town when a woman came running past him screaming with tears leaking out of her eyes. Micheal ran out of the alley and towards the woman. He was about to ask if everything was alright and if there was anything he would do when a big explosion sounded from the end of the main street.

"My Baby!" The woman sobbed, she turned towards me, "Please, Sir, My child is still on the fifth floor, please call someone!"

I turned and looked the woman in the eye, "I'll be right back with him Ma'am." I started to sprint towards the fire. This was the first time I had ever run towards direct danger, It might have been scary to watch someone else do it, but the adrenalin I felt doing, only forced me to love the feeling of danger.

People were yelling and running in the opposite direction, away from the fire. You could hear sirens off in the distance making their way towards the burning building as fire escaped from shattered windows. Once I was at the base of the building I jumped up as far as I could and grabbed onto a window sill on the third floor before moving over to a water pipe and starting to climb.

I stepped through an open window on the fifth floor, "Hey is there anyone in here?" I called the smoke was already making an impact on my lungs. I got down on my stomach and started to army crawl through the building.

"HELP!" Someone yelled over in the distance. I started to make my way over to them, the smoke making it harder to breathe and see.

By the time I got to the voice, it was very soft and quiet almost like a whisper. I pulled the person to the ground with me and started to make my way to an already open window. Upon nearing the window, I was met with the face of a firefighter.

I picked the kid up and passed him through the window to him with ease. "I'm going to make *cough* another round and check to make sure *cough cough* no one else is in the building. *cough*" I tried hard not to cough but I couldn't hold it in, the smoke was in my lungs.

"Son, you need to come out of the building now, before you get any worse." The officer spoke with authority spilling out of his voice, but me being the son of Captain America, was already on the ground crawling out of the room, my coughs getting worse with each crawl.

While making my rounds throughout the building, I was pulled up to my feet by a set of hands, "What have we got here?" a muffled voice said, almost like that person was wearing a gas mask.

"I *cough* could stay *cough* the say about you *cough cough*" Each time I cough I only brought in more smoke. The smoke was making my head feel dizzy, and as the world around me started to move, I was almost feeling seasick from the movement.

Someone else was in the room with us, but I couldn't make out what they were saying, as I could hear drums thundering in my ears.

Out of the blue, I felt myself being thrown into the air. I pulled my shield off my back in record time and lifted it up to protect my head from the impact I was bound to feel. I waited for it to come but I didn't feel anything, just cold air.


Year Classified ~ A dark-skinned guy with an eye patch that covered his left eye, heard the thumb before he saw the boy. Micheal had appeared out of nowhere, making the man confused. A shield was held over Micheal's body, the shield reminded the man of a certain soldier who always carried around a shield. The boy that lay in the grass wore a leather jacket and pants that had little holes in them as well as being stained black with smoke that slowly make its way off of the boy and into the cold night air.

The man with the eye patch walked towards Micheal. You could smell the smoke of the fire that was burned into his clothes. His face was blackened from ask and his once golden blonde hair was now almost black. His eyes were closed, but thankfully he was still breathing, coughing every so often.

A black SUV car pulled up next to the pair. The driver of the car was a woman who had brown hair that was tied up into a ponytail, the brown hair woman stepped out of the car and walked towards her boss. "Is he with him?"

"We are about to find out. Bring him in for questioning." The man left the woman to pick up Micheal and place him in the back of the SUV before jumping into the driver's seat and driving off.

Words: 1033

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