5. Mo Xiu, Mo Jingtang Is A Good Boy

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"Shizun, can I come in?"

Mo Ran held a tray, and on it sat a bowl of dumpling soup (it's different from soup dumplings). It was only a minute before a low 'mn' was heard from inside.

Mo Ran entered with a smile on his face.

"Shizun, I cooked you something. Will you eat?"

"What is it?"

"It's a dish I created, well it existed before but I made a few adjustments to suit your taste." Mo Ran said.

Chu Wanning was already at the table, tinkering with something when Mo Ran carefully placed the tray down. So he sighed, putting aside his things and staring blankly, waiting for the steam to dissipate.

He picked up his chopsticks as Mo Ran watched with bated breath.

When the dumpling entered his mouth, it was still surprisingly warm inside even when the soup had gone cold. He chewed and swallowed before saying, "It's good."

Mo Ran beamed like a thousand lanterns, his face flushed and eyes bright with stars. "Shizun, says it's good. Can I cook more for you?"

"Do whatever you want."

This master and disciple had nothing preposterous in their hearts. One sincerely appreciated such gestures but did not dare express a response, one held the other in such high regard like an untouchable god. They were pure of heart and the next day will be the same, and so will the third, the fourth, the fifth and the following, for as long as they stayed that way.

Another year passed and Mo Ran was unwilling to disperse the growing love he had for Chu Wanning, although he buried it deep and guarded it close, knowing it will never be reciprocated.

Chu Wanning grew shame in his heart when he realized he felt something for Mo Ran, but he never acted on it because of that shame. He kept it in his damned heart and never let it see the light of day, he kept that cold face and cold voice and that arm's length distance, not allowing anything to slip.

All this while Jingtang grew confused, he'd been reading and observing Mo Ran well for these past two years, how did this turn into the life of the past? What had happened?

In the past, he had been told of his father's atrocities even when he was young, and yet he was met with such difference. It was so lively that it was blinding. Had he been lied to the whole time? No, his uncle wouldn't lie to him… something changed.

Unbeknownst to him, that very year when he flourished the most and began to be comfortable in this new life, Shi Mei held a black flower close to himself in the shelter of his disciple room. The black flower hadn't bloomed but emitted a faint silver glow. Shi Mei was silent as he cried mournfully, the gold shimmering in the dark.

With a sense of resolution, he painstakingly crushed the flower in his hold.

"I'm sorry, mother. I'm sorry." Shi Mei whispered, "Can I be good? I want to be good. I want to protect from now on."

It didn't matter if Taxian-jun existed in another timeline and this Mo Ran existed happily in this timeline, the truth was that they would never be the same because of such a variable. Jingtang was such a small change, yet Shi Mei decided on his own without persuasion. He did not know what the child will think of him when he finds that Shi Mei was willing to plant a flower of hatred in someone's heart in the name of justice for their species, he did not want to know.

To Shi Mei, he was granted a glimpse at a peaceful purity that belonged to his clan, the child was so pure and untouched, he wanted to reserve that. Perhaps he finally had hope for the future that it didn't matter if no one acknowledged their species, so long as this Su Jingtang by his side would never be tainted.

To Shi Mei, Su Jingtang was a clean being undeserving of sadness. The child lost his parents like him, his mother or father had probably been eaten by someone because of their species, but the child knew nothing about the true horrors of it all.

Although Shi Mei had once explained what they were and how they lived, he did not reveal everything because he saw how innocent Jingtang's eyes were.

He did not want to tell him everything, he did not want to make him think about it, and he did not want him to know what he knows.

When he confessed to his sister about such things, his sister accepted his decision. He didn't want to continue, he didn't want to lie, he didn't want to have to act.

So what if the world crumbles on its own, as long as his sister accepted him and Jingtang remained as he was, he no longer cared, the world can kill itself.

Su Jingtang, you changed way too many things. And you are ignorant because you know nothing. Shi Mei smiled at the younger boy who was running around and pulling him along, telling him about everything he found recently and exciting thing. Alright, let him be ignorant.

"Shixiong! It's my birthday tomorrow!" Jingtang was all smiles, "I'll be thirteen very soon."

"Shall I get Jingtang a gift?" Shi Mei teased.

"Of course, Shixiong gave me a gift last year and I still have it," Jingtang said, revealing the silver bangle on his wrist.

It was a spiritual device to stabilize his core in case of any setbacks, their species were known to have weak cultivation, but Jingtang was unexpectedly excellent and unlike the usual Butterfly Boned Beauty Feast.

"Alright, let me think of something even better to get you." Shi Mei ruffled his little shidi's hair, making Jingtang laugh heartily.

"Shi Mei, isn't called favouritism?" Xue Meng called out.

"Yeah, Shi Mei." Mo Ran jested, "We're envious of Su-shidi, why don't you treat us well too?"

But they were all just playing around.

"Su-shidi is better than the two of you combined." Shi Mei joked right back.

Ah, is this how feels? Shi Mei's shoulders felt light, his neck loose, he felt young and free. It was the first time he was able to truly be a child.

"Thank you, shidi."

"Huh? What for?" Jingtang turned around, confused.

"Because Jingtang-shidi is a good boy."

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