Chapter 61 - 70

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ʚChapter 61 Tang Bei's Bet

    When the newly released students had five days of classes and ushered in their first vacation, the Nagas greeted Mo Bei through the teleportation array, and returned to the base Sa.

    This time it was still a delegation mainly composed of Prince Fields, but compared to the previous shabby five people, this time the lineup was much more luxurious. In addition to the royal guards that a prince should have, a large number of goods from the deep sea were brought over. The contents were rich and varied. The seaweed on which the list was written was more than three meters long.

    Fields didn't wear a shabby linen cloak this time either, he put on the unique royal costumes, all kinds of deep-sea corals and pearls made exquisite accessories, which he hung on his body.     The boy was very happy to come to the base Sa again. In addition to those official gifts and goods, he also brought his own personal gifts to Mo Bei, all of which have been treasured over the years.     "Father said that I was not born at a good time, otherwise at my age, the private collection should be ten times and a hundred times more than these." Fields sat in the reception room of the lord's mansion, followed by the guard chief Taha, opposite It was Mo Bei and Tang Bei, "It's a bit shabby, but it's all my heart, I hope you like it.     " No, as long as people come, I will be very happy, not to mention you brought so many rare treasures—— Tang Bei, these are valuable here, right?"     Tang Bei exuded refreshing lemon Sour and sour, he opened his mouth: "It's worth the old man's money... Why can't I make friends with such rich and powerful? I finally met a lord, and I'm not even happy to buy the news. Not only free prostitution, but also from others Picking gold coins, tsk tsk tsk——"     Mo Bei "hehe": "Didn't I just earn you a gold coin? Didn't I treat you to sugar and milk tea later? I ate hot pot twice." Tang Bei pretended to be heartbroken     : "For me, a wandering businessman, if I don't make money, it's called lost! Ah, my heart, liver, spleen, stomach and kidney are hurting everywhere!"

    Before Mo Bei could speak, the kind and innocent Fields immediately gathered a ball of blue light in his hand, his eyes were earnest, and his expression was worried: "Do you need me to help you heal? I learned water magic from Teacher Irina , Simple ailments can be cured.”

    Tang Bei shook his head decisively: “No, no, thank you, I’m cured, and I don’t feel any pain at all.”

    Just joking and meeting honest people is the consequence of this, Mo Bei was overjoyed, laughing until his abs I was in pain, so I asked Fields again: "Where is Elena? Why didn't she come here?"

    Fields: "The teacher heard that there was a new school in the base, so she went to visit. She has been very worried about the education of the deep sea. The problem, maybe I want to learn from your experience here."     Mo Bei thought about it, and invited: "Then why not come to my school to study, the hardware facilities are superb, and your cubs who can't live without water are not afraid, there is a swimming pool It can be soaked for you. There is a portal to go back and forth when you go home, and you can live on campus for the rest of the time. If you are not at ease, you can directly come to a few adult Naga to follow and watch. It would be even better if you can teach by the way.” Fields was     surprised For a moment, then I felt that this proposal was good, and I was eager to try it: "This idea is good. I will ask Teacher Yi Lianna later——Mo Bei, can the Deep Sea Clan build a stable teleportation array in your base? We will provide materials and manpower. Provided, that is, you may be required to participate in the maintenance."     Mo Bei didn't even think about getting someone to agree in a few words, and then continued when he changed the subject: "Yes, I have no objection, the more times it is, the more convenient it is for you to communicate , Very good. What kind of people are needed, please let me know in advance, I would like to post a recruitment announcement, that is, there are more residents now, otherwise I really can’t guarantee that I will be able to pick out qualified people.” The most important thing is once it is built     . The portal is a shield on the bright side. There is no need to cover up Naga's contacts, and he can openly do deep-sea trade with the base Sa.     Mo Bei is not afraid that the Deep Sea Clan will abandon her and choose other bases or caravans for large trade transactions. She is confident in her products and products, and there is also the issue of integrity. base can?

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