Classified Files: Hero Names (Hero Internship Extra)

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The whiteboard in front of her is blank. Of course, it's blank she hasn't written anything yet. Not even a thought about her hero name. When Sayako had to choose a name for her vigilante persona, she'd picked one that reflected her hidden goal. 

To let go of things. To not allow her past to consume her. Mizu Nagasu. 

But for a hero...

"The name you give yourself is important," Mr. Aizawa had said, "It helps reinforce your image and shows what kind of hero you want to be like in the future..."

She looked over at the sleeping teacher sitting against the wall inside his iconic yellow sleeping bag. Eraserhead was indeed a ridiculous name but it does show what kind of hero he is. 

He nullifies quirks and it's on his head... Sayako shook her thoughts away and her attention found its way to Tsuyu, her classmate with the frog abilities presenting in front. 

"I've had this in mind since grade school. Rainy Season Hero: Froppy!"

Not too bad. A good example actually... 

Needing more inspiration, Sayako leaned over to Jiro next to her. "Hey, did you pick anything?"

"Yeah, I did. I might present after."

"Wait. You already chose one?" Denki stretched to see her board. His seat was next to Jiro's. 

"How does Jamming-yay sound like?" Jiro asked.

"Oh! It's like Hemming-Way who wrote A Farewell to Arms! I like it!"

"No, it's because whenever you use your quirk you always jam your brain," Jiro concealed her laughter before presenting hers.

"Oh come on Jiro quit messing with me!"

Sayako hid her smile at their antics before going back to her blank board.

Jiro came back to her seat. "You look up to the pro hero Edgeshot, right? Try something like that."

Well, I don't exactly look up to him. But it is a good start.

"Oo oo," Denki stretched himself towards Sayako. "How about Water-Shot. Or maybe Aqua Edge." Jiro shoves him back to his seat.

Uh, I suppose it's a good start...

She was about to write it but a dragon-like shadow slithered on her arm. "Not again..." She gave it a low hiss. Despite the troubling creature, she was reminded of her vigilante days with her mentor. A name that identifies me as a hero. What kind of person do I even want to be anyway?

What would my mentor want?

A lightbulb appeared and she quickly scribbles her answer as she walked up in front.

"Ryujin?" read Sato

"Isn't that a more dragon-type name? Oh is it because of your scales?" wondered Mina.

"The Guardian Hero: Ryujin," Sayako explained, "In tales about dragons, they symbolize luck and being protectors. So Ryujin allows me to be a person who protects the innocent and my close ones."

"How grand!" Midnight declared.

Jiro and Denki gave her a thumbs up and Sayako returned the favor with a satisfied smile as she felt the shadow dragon tingled in her arm with joy.


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