Classified Files: Why did she leave...? (Hero Internship Extra)

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"Doc! I just remembered something!"

The look on her face said it all. Water dripped down from her hair to her face, a white fluffy towel (she likes fluffy things) hung on her neck and her black vest was soaked. She must've freshened up from Ryukyu's training. 

The doctor didn't really care for sweaty people but he always encouraged that his office remained free from strong odors. His nose was rather sensitive and it distracted him while he was working.

Sayako wore a face that read This is urgent. So the doctor put down his case and gestured for the girl to come in. Packing would have to wait it seems.

He got a towel of his own as she made herself comfortable on his revolving chair. He ran the towel on her hair and urged her to go on. She started off by coming back from training and hitting the showers. Weird way to start but alright then.

Kenshin Hashimoto is a patient man. With his Enhanced Precision Quirk, he can perform surgeries faster than any surgeon, striking every spot flawlessly in the body. The only drawback is he vomits at the sight of blood so he's usually blindfolded, (a secret from his patients), this earned him the title Blind Doctor.

"I was supposed to ask you this when I first learned about you being my mother's doctor. I didn't remember at that time but now I do."

Hashimoto put down the towel this time facing her. He knew where this was headed. The girl was without her mother for years. Of course, he had known about them. 

The last he had heard of little Sayako was at the orphanage after her mother's passing. After that, he couldn't track her down as the hero commission had covered up her existence.

And now her daughter was here asking the million-dollar question.

"Why did she leave?"

The doctor sighed as he sat down on the chair in front of her.

"Sayako," he finally said, his voice softer as his brown eyes met hers. "It wasn't her choice. A few years after you came in, there was something very unusual. Her health wasn't as strong as the years before as well as her mind."

"Your father left some time after and her condition worsened. I tried everything I could but even I as a doctor know that I'm not a supreme being. She left you in the orphanage so you can get a second chance in life."

At the sight of the girl's frown, he pats her head, a few strands of auburn red peeking from the black locks. 

"She didn't say it but I know that she loved you till the very end. I may not know much about her but I can tell you everything I know. I wouldn't leave out anything."

Sayako settled at his gentle touch. "If you don't have anything else, I don't mind hearing more."

Kenshin smiled and sat down on the bed adjacent to her seat. By the time he was done, the last hint of the afternoon vanished and the stars filled the night sky. And yet, the girl was wide awake, making sure to take in every detail of the parent she longed for.

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