The Bastille of Solutions

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(Spoiler for future arc that's not animated at this time)

Ronin sat on the edge of a rooftop observing the city under the starlit sky of deep blue and purple hue.

A smoking scent of burning flesh made him cringe out of his thoughts. With a sigh, he stood up eager to leave. He's at it again.

"If you hated the Heroes, why waste time on recruitments for Shigaraki?" he pointed out.

His partner for the night, Dabi,  strides quietly his way next to him as his blue flames on either hand fade out. 

"Don't tell me you're really besties. Do you surround the campfire singing, Kumbaya?"

"Keep your delusions to yourself, blondie."

A silence engulfed them as Dabi shoved his hands in his pockets. 

"I despise Endeavor."

Ronin followed his gaze to a billboard with Heroes and Endeavor focused on the center."Big deal." he said nonchalantly.

"He's my old man."

That's when Ronin grew alert. Usually, Dabi never speaks about his past. If anyone knew, they'd probably be dead by now but for some reason, he wasn't as hostile tonight.

Dabi wiped blood leaking down his cheek. "Eventually, he grew bored of me and now favors my brother..."

The blonde scoffed, as he stood up eager to get off the rooftop."I killed my brother."

"What an accomplishment," the taller male replied.

"Speaking of accomplishments..." Ronin hands Dabi a photo with a name at the bottom.

He eyed the photo. "This kid?"

"You wanted to know who gave Shigaraki the intel for the camp. There you go. The informant is Yuga Aoyama."

Dabi gave a wicked grin. 


Every month has its signature event.

September, the month the Shie Hassaikai had been apprehended.

Uraraka took longer to come out for breakfast and Tsu ate slower than usual. Midoriya had many thoughts running through his head but with the hope of Eri and her health being cared for, he pushed on through the morning.

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