Classified Files: Baby number 15.5 (Internship extra)

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So I just realized I have forgotten about this chapter...

Originally, I was supposed to have this uploaded before the Internship chapter but then my brain decided to forget and now it's uploaded way after the internship.

Anyway, hope ya'll enjoy it

Thank you for the views and votes so far

Also, this chapter is Dedicated to Mr. Otaku for spamming my notifications so thank you

(Days before Hero Internships)

Sayako goes through a brochure as she walked down the halls. The theme of blues and oranges blended well, reflecting the company's mission of confidence and trust in their tech to provide quick solutions to Heroes and their quirks.

The company in question is called NeYoTech.

A Support Item and Technology Developing company situated in Kyoto, Japan, and managed by Daichi Yokota. 

What once was a boy with a dream to assist Heroes in Japan now became a revolutionary in Support Items. Many call him the Father of Support Tech. This wouldn't have been possible if the Underground Agency, Ariyoshi's, hadn't sponsored him in the beginning. After making it big, they both had a partnership to support each other and grow each other's businesses. 

Some time ago, the Board members opened applications for internships and were added to the list of Companies and Agencies in UA for students to apply. Even if students don't meet the age limit, they can still apply using a recommendation letter from a known agency and get in. 

Unless the student managed to impress the Board or even the Chairman, Daichi Yokota himself.

Like Mei Hatsume.

She had caught the eye of Chairman Yokota during the Sports Festival and he immediately called Lady Justice to recruit her. Before Sayako's shift at the cafe ended, Justice had requested she delivers the acceptance package to Mei Hatsume for the internship. 

Sayako remembered the conversation well. After all, she was in the middle of creating a special mix of gin and coffee. She still had to name it when she gets back.

"Why couldn't he just contact UA?"

Murakami stirs her cocktail, eyeing the girl at work. "Daichi tends to take these matters privately especially when he himself is interested." She takes a sip of her drink before giving an approved hum.

"And his company being a part of UA's list has nothing to do with this?" Sayako asked.

"Oh no, that's for public purposes. The Board deals with that themselves."

"Quite an introvert isn't he?"

The Hero chuckled. "Yes, but he's very reliable." She then drinks the last of the approved cocktail. "Mind if have another?"

Sayako nods and takes the empty glass. 
"I have to collect a pair of brace cuffs from the support room. Why was it even sent there anyway?" She eyed the elder woman with a side glare.

Murakami shrugs with a quirked smile. "Who knows?"

"The Old Woman's gonna be the death of me..." Sayako opens the door to the Development Studio and was greeted by a hard clout on the head.



The UA Support Room.

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