Searching for Elizabeth's Heart to Restore. (Chapter 24)

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(Roxas's part of this story, sorry for the miscommunication)
I went back to my princess's body to pick her up to go to her bedroom, so she could "rest." for now until I could restore her heart to her body. It's been hours since the "ceremony." of the kingdom hearts claimed my friend's heart. is this way the secret that she was hiding since the day we partnered up together? No, my assignment was protecting nobody's only princess from Sora or whatever.. I was still carrying her in my arms with the necklace in my hand. while walking slowly to her "royal room." I know that she's not the real princess of this castle but she is a princess to my heart. I smile at myself, rock her body just a bit when I got her assign bedroom. "Axel? can you help me open her bedroom door, to place her bed?." oh yea Axel was with me too just to help me bring her back to her room. Axel walked ahead of me to open the door to her bedroom, "Thanks, Axel I will set her down on her bed. before we have to move her again." I walked inside still carrying her in my arms to her bed and gently set her down. and crossed her arms like um royalty does like that place I was in, Axel look at me with a constitution of disappointment. "Roxas, we can't keep hiding the former princess from Lord Xemnas He'll know exactly to find the princess because." He stopped his sentence to show me a mark of control that he places on her hand. "I Don't think we shouldn't move forward okay maybe Xemnas is right she is a doll that he created so he can spy on you all time."
I walked over to him with mad behavior He knew that my friend Elizabeth is not working for him anymore plus she is own person like all of us. "Axel, Stop being on Lord Xemnas's side, I thought you were my friend too." He grabs my hand and drags me out of the room where Elizabeth's body is still on her bed. "Roxas, I'm not on his side. I'm just showing you that Xemnas is spying on you with her. Maybe we can work together to get your "princess." back I hate seeing you like this. I saw you like before."

When he was saying this to me while placing his back against the wall. "Well, if you've got your mind straight call me if you need on this rescue mission to get Elizabeth oh excuse me I mean Kairi's heart back inside of her." He walked away with a hand signal "Whenever you're ready call my name." then he disappeared into the darkness. I went back to Princess's bedside when I entered her bedroom. "I'm sorry Elizabeth, I shouldn't be your knight I'm just not that good as a Keyblade holder." I heard her groan softly sometimes then fall into her sleep that's good her soul was intact but not her heart. How I am going to save her? I question myself I'd stand up from my knees position then walked out of the room locked behind me I just hope no one can enter this room including myself. I just need to do this mission by myself only. I walked out of the hallway of memory bedrooms, into the grey space. "Axel, I'm going alone to save my princess so can you do want, I have new friends to help me on this journey." Axel nod his head and then walked over to me. "You're a good friend to her, that's why she was taking care of you don't remember Roxas?." He said to me as I nod my head firmly at his question. "Yes, I remembered that I was sick with my headache I told you I will recover from her healing."
I smiled at him as I left the castle of never was, until he catch up to me, "Axel? Stay here where is the princess is guard her with your hands until I get back to the castle, I need to save her life and Kairi's." Axel walked in front of me. "I know I haven't been around lately because of his stupid orders but hear me out Roxas if you save Lady Elizabeth now. what happened to you? if you save her "heart." from Moon Heart? will you disappear forever you'll never see or love the beauty of her highness again?." I moved Axel away from me with a second thought I will save Elizabeth, but right now I need Sora to know what happened to both Light and my dark princess. "Axel, I'm leaving this world for a moment just do me a favor right, just this once." Axel looking though my eyes he knows that I do care about her highness but what is the right way to save my beloved friend from "death." that she is living in she must've been so scared and wondering what happened if she doesn't return to the castle?. I question myself while Axel is trying to talking to me. until i popped out of my train of thought to answers single questions that he gave to me. "Yes Yes Axel, Where should begin my search to get inside of the moon?." I lied about him noticing his question.

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