𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞

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New chapterrr yay


His hand found its way over my mouth a couple minutes later, the patter of a man rummaging through his desk sounding from just outside of the closet.

He rested his chin atop my head, causing my face to darken some more. We had gradually gotten closer, not because we wanted to, but because it made the cramped space slightly more comfortable.

The man outside, seemingly finding what he was looking for, made a hasty exit from the room, then the apartment. Stumbling out the closet, I put as much distance between me and the pink haired man as I could.

"We should go," I muttered out, heading towards the office door, before we piled out to the vent. It was a surprise the man didn't notice the open vent on the ceiling, but he did seem to be in a rush.

James came up behind me again, wrapping his strong arms around my waist, his warmth seeping into my skin, as he hefted me back into the vent. I crawled forward, allowing him room to heft himself back up, waiting as he screwed the vent back into place.

He can do that too, huh.

Crawling back through the air vent, I stopped short as I noticed a group of businessmen crowded around the corridor outside the man's room.

I swallowed as James's arms stopped at either side of my head, meaning he was hovering just inches above my own form.

"Lay down," He whispered lowly into my ear, his palm spread across the tight leather across my back. Swallowing, I lowered myself flat on the cold material of the vent, watching with curiosity and anticipation as he crawled over me, tugging the huge hood over his head.

With little effort, his foot slammed against the nailed vent, slamming it onto the floor beneath with little to no effort.

Holy shit, how strong was this dude?

Well, he is James Lee... I really hope I don't piss him off. I heard he'd taken... things from people who loose to him. Like taking Taesoo Ma's eye.

I shivered just thinking about it. I mean, it had been years but if he didn't have his Idol image to upkeep who knows what he would be doing right now.

Why did he become an Idol in the first place?

My eyes widened at the screams tunnelling through the vent. Coming from below. The sounds of fists pumping against flesh caused me to cringe internally.

I was so not cut out for this.

"You can come down now." The pummelling fists had stopped.

Crawling towards the opening, I clenched my hands at one edge of the vent, before manoeuvring my body through the hole. I silently prayed I didn't break my legs from this, and jumped down, only to fall into a strong body.

Oh my god, he's carrying me bridal style what the fuck.


Murmuring my thanks as he set me to my feet, my eyes widened at the bloody mess in the corridor. Swallowing, my backpack tight against my shoulder, I stumbled over to the elevator, James not far behind me.

My breath hitched as the elevator opened, revealing a multitude of angry looking faces. Tutting, James pulled me behind his swallowing body, before attacking.

His attacks were invisible. It was the historical fighting style of the One-Man Circle. They wouldn't see his attacks coming. Minutes later, the unconscious men out from the elevator, and us heading towards his Porsche, I eyed him suspiciously.

𝐋𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐦 || The Viper and The DoveUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum