The Son of Varuna

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Varuna Deva the lord of the seas was engaged in his pastimes with one of his wives , a river Goddess named Parnasa . The couple were immersed in love as they enjoyed their union as the river meets the seas . The guardian of the west rarely got time to relax being the one with multiple responsibilities . So He wanted to make the most of this mini vacation by clearing the burden that he often carries . His wife made things easy and distracted him from the daily routines which had become monotonous of late for the son of Aditi . After successfully entertaining her Lord the meek Goddess expressed her desire in front of the guardian of moral laws .

" Oh lord of my heart , I have a wish which could only be fulfilled by you . If you are satisfied by my service please bestow upon me the eternal bliss of motherhood which perhaps is the desire of every feminine of the creation . " pleaded the river Goddess.

The lord of the Oceans smiled gently at the innocent plea of his wife . He replied affirmatively saying " Dear , you have been a gem of a wife for me ever since the creation came into existence . Your innocence and your devotion have made me forget the thorns of responsibilities I usually bear everyday . It's not a boon you desire but a boon you deserve for your Everlasting service without any expectation . In this era every God has his son playing a role in the mortal world except me . Perhaps this mortal world didn't want a son from me now . But I desire to be father again and you my dear will be the mother of the part of our union ."

The Goddess Parnasa was overjoyed listening to the words of her husband who himself wanted the same . The couple evoked all their energies as they danced together enjoying the blissful union . The agile river playing with the raging seas was a divine sight to behold as the two souls with all their love merged themselves into the Ocean of Love and united to produce their offspring . The  two divine beings created their son born of their waters . The son of Lord Varuna Deva and his wife river Goddess Parnasa emerged from the Oceans as once the infamous demon  Jalandhara had emerged out of the seas . Being born of the divine beings the boy was entitled to be a God himself and now the whole of the universe awaited his awakening from deep slumber .

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