Chapter 5: Combat class and teaching (Revised)

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Before we start this Chapter, quick question. Should the OC's get shipped with some of the RWBY characters, or no?

Combat Class. Beacon Academy.

Glynda: Alright class, due to Ozpin's new hiring. I would like to introduce your Close Quarter Combat, Tactical Awareness, and Leadership teacher. Mr. John Price. 

Jaune then walks inside the class.

Jaune: Hello class. I'm John Price, but you may call me Captain, or Price.

Cardin: Now why should we call you Captain? You aren't our leader.

Jaune: No, but I'm your teacher. And it feels weird being called Mr. Price.

Glynda: Then I apologize for calling you that.

Jaune: No need, you didn't know.

Jaune then walked to the front of the class to the board.

Jaune: Now first lesson, Leadership.

Weiss: Ruby, take notes you'll need this.

Ruby: But...

Weiss: Do it.

Ruby: Fine~.

As the team leader and some others were ready to take notes (Minus Cardin) Glynda decided to talk to Ghost.

Glynda: Hey Ghost.

Ghost: Hey Glynda.

Glynda: What do you think of this academy so far?

Ghost: I say this place is pretty good. Not the best due to some... interesting teaching methods.

Glynda: Yes, most complaints of our ways of teaching are mostly about Professor Port, and Doctor Oobleck.

Ghost: So, I've heard.

Back over to Jaune who was teaching.

Jaune: Though I hate to say it, a leader is somebody who should be ready to sacrifice their life, or others' lives. Questions?

Ruby: Why would we sacrifice people's lives!?

Jaune: A leader needs to be ready to sacrifice lives because it's necessary for achieving a greater goal or for protecting the society of the innocents. For some leaders they may feel that they have no other choice but to sacrifice lives in order to avoid even greater harm or loss. Because of this, leaders send in troops to fight then enemy to minimalize casualties, knowing some might die.

Ruby: But shouldn't they be able to come home!?

Jaune: They send them to fight for the greater good. And those who signed up to it knew the price they were going to pay; they were willing to die for the freedom of innocence. 

Weiss: This is something you should know Ruby, not everything is perfect.

Jaune: Ms. Schnee you can't be talking here.

Weiss: Why not?

Jaune: I've seen how you fight, remember? You fight with grace and elegance, yes. But the problem is your endurance, stamina, and overall ability to cooperate with those around you. You think you're perfect, but you aren't.

Weiss: And what does that mean!?

Jaune: I remember that during initiation, you shown to be panting in exhaustion while Ruby is still fully energized. And considering the fact that it has only been a few months since I went missing it seems, you couldn't have gained much later on.

Captain Arc [COD MW2/RWBY] (Book 1/3)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora